Chapter 18

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"I'm not worried at all," The doctor said. "Many woman go through the same thing and I guarantee you will start showing in the next two weeks. I'll set up your next appointment and you'll be on your way!"

"When can I know the gender?" I ask.

"Your next visit I will be able to receive a clearer image of you baby and then I can tell you!" The doctor walked out of the room.

Four months from now, give or take, I would be delivering this baby. Without Harry.

It kills me to think my baby won't have a father and I'll have to try to explain why Harry isn't here.

"Ready to go?" Louis asks me.

"Uh yeah I'm ready." I swallowed my tears and followed Louis out of the hospital.

I wanted to go for a walk so Louis took me to get ice cream.

Once we got there we picked our flavor and then sat down at a table.

"Baby you light up my world like nobody else." Louis sang.

"Very funny Lou, very funny."

"It kind of sucks Harry isn't here for the baby."

"Yeah totally." I played with the ice cream left in my cup, then got up to throw it away.

When I got back Jenna was sitting in my seat.

"Hey Jen, what's up?"


"What are you talking about?"

"NIALL PROPOSED!" She was yelling and I was unable to hear what she said.


"Niall proposed!" She squealed in delight.

"When? Where?" I responded in utter shock.

"On our date last night!" She shoved her hand in my face to show me her rock.

"That shit is huge!" I couldn't believe how big it was.

"I know!" She looked up at me. "Will you be my maid of honor?"

"Of course Jenna." I wrapped my arms around her.

"I really have to go Niall is waiting for me but I really wanted to tell you."

"I'm pregnant." I blurted out.

"Wait what?" Jenna looked at Louis as he nodded his head.

"I'm pregnant with Harry's baby." I plopped back down in my seat while Jenna stood there, frozen.

"Congrats?" She smiled.

"Ha! That's what I said." Louis laughed.

"My head really hurts I'm going to head home. We will meet tomorrow Jenna? To start planning the wedding?"

She nodded her head and I got up to leave.

"By Lou, I'll um call you later I guess."

"Bye Mo!" I scrunched my nose.

"Don't call me that." He giggled and I began walking down the street.

"Look who it is." The dark figure snickered in the alley way next to me.

I sprinted to the floor of my apartment and rummaged through my bag trying to find my keys.

"Find them yet?" Adam.

I grabbed my keys and hid them behind my back.

"What's up?" I causally said.

As I looked at Adam I pushed the key into the lock without him being able to see.

"What's up? Well I actually was wondering if you wanted to hang out. A pretty lady like you shouldn't be alone on a beautiful night like this." He said brushing his finger across my cheek.

I turned the knob and slipped inside quickly slamming the door behind me.

I put all my weight against the door as he tried to push through. I turned the lock and slid down to the floor.

"I'll be back tomorrow!" He screams through the wood.

I pulled my phone out and dialed Louis's number.

I sighed as he answered.

"Hey soon to be mommy."

"I still can't believe it."

"I bet it's a boy." He gasped.

"No it's definitely going to be a girl." I laughed.

"Uncle Louis. I like it. Has a nice ring."

"Technically your not because your not Harry's brother."

"I'm Harry's brother." He said sternly.

"I know I'm just kidding. Hold on one second someone's at the door." I opened it to see Louis standing there with his phone to his ear.

"You just love this apartment don't you." He nodded his head and pushed past me.

"Come in why don't you." I laughed.

"I'm going to help you plan the wedding."

"We don't even know when it is."

"3 months."

"3 months?"

"From today."

"From today?"

"They're really anxious I guess."

"I guess your right." He pulled me towards the couch.

"Jenna just texted me. Wow." She sent me all the things she wanted for her wedding. The flowers. The venue. The dress. It's been one day and she already knows what she wants.

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