Chapter 5

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I couldn't move. I laid there on the ground. I looked up at the clock and saw it was 6 am. I needed to call someone to help me.

I attempted to move towards my phone that was on the ground at the other side of my bed and screamed in pain. I lifted my dress I was still in and saw my whole rib cage was bruised from his boot.

I was not going to stand up because I knew I was going to fall. I inched towards my phone screaming every time. I grabbed it and dialed Niall's number.

It went straight to voicemail. Aren't I lucky.

The only other person I could call was Harry. So that's what I did. He picked up on the third ring.

"Hello?" He asked.

"I-I n-need h-help." I could barely speak and I wouldn't be surprised if he asked me to repeat myself.

"What the hell Morgan where are you? What's wrong? What happened?" Why was he asking so many questions.

"I n-need help. I'm at m-my h-hotel and s-someone broke in." Actually Alain didn't break in I left the door unlocked. Stupid Morgan, stupid.

"I'm on my way is the door to your room still unlocked?" Of course it is I couldn't get up to lock it after he left.

"Y-yes." I really cannot speak.

"Don't move I'll be right there." Wasn't planning on moving anytime soon.

"K." I hung up the phone and look down at my dress. There was blood on the white lace and dirt from his shoe on the bottom half. I loved this dress, now it just reminded me of a nightmare.

I laid there looking at the door waiting for Harry to arrive. What if he wasn't coming? What if he was going to pretend I didn't call him?

Just then, the door opened. He was wearing black skinny jeans and a white t-shirt. Who knew someone could look so attractive in something so simple.

His eyes went wide and he rushed over to me.

He touched my ribs and I immediately screamed. He looked at my face and I nodded knowing exactly what he was asking for. He lifted up my dress and his mouth dropped open.

"Oh my god." He looked up at me again as he pulled my dress down.

"You need to go to a hospital now." He all of a sudden seemed worried.

"Can you walk?" I shook my head because I wasn't in the mood for talking.

He lifted me up bridal style and I winced in pain.

"I'm sorry the pain will be gone soon." I looked at his bright green eyes and knew he actually was worried, he actually cared.

Harry's POV

I ran to the elevator with Morgan in my arms and pressed the button. Could this elevator be any slower? It wouldn't open.

I ran to the stairway and opened the door. I ran down two at a time and with every step I took she screamed. I wonder what happened? Well I was going to find out sooner or later.

I got to the lobby and remembered we were in Paris for crying out loud. I didn't know where a hospital was. I ran to the front desk earning a deafening scream from Morgan.

"Where's the nearest hospital?" Luckily the guy spoke English and he told me where the hospital was.

I ran outside and practically went in the middle of the road to get a cab. One pulled over and I carefully got in making sure not to cause Morgan too much pain.

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