Chapter 19

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1 day before the wedding

"What if it doesn't fit?" Jenna began to worry about her dress not fitting.

"It's going to fit Jenna don't worry. If anyone should be worried about their dress not fitting, it's me." 3 months ago I wasn't showing at all and now I look like a beluga whale.

"She's right Jenna. Yours will fit, hers not so much." Louis said walking into the dressing room.

"Thanks." I rolled my eyes.Me and Louis have become really close since I found out I was pregnant. Niall obviously has been a big help but he's been busy with the wedding and all so we don't hang out as much.

"Come on Jenna we don't have all day." Louis whined.

"Okay ready?" She asked. Before we could answer she pulled back the curtain and my mouth dropped open.

"I love it! Oh my goodness it's beautiful! Niall will die!"

"I hope not! Wouldn't want him dead on my wedding day!" She wrapped her arms around me and jumped back.

"Did you just punch me?" She laughed.

"No I think it was-" I placed her hand on my stomach and she smiled.

"She's kicking." I smiled back.

"Yeah she is."

"Wait." Louis stood up. Shit!

"I'm so sorry Lou I forgot you didn't want to know!"

"I don't care anymore! It's a girl! Oh my god this is great news Morgan!" He lifted me up and spun me around.

"I'm glad your excited!" I laughed hysterically.

"Let's go out to dinner! To celebrate Jenna's last night as a single girl and that little girl in there." He pointed to my stomach.

"I have to go home and change and then I guess I'll meet you somewhere. Send me the location and I'll be there." I winked and left the boutique.

As I was walking I noticed a store with a bunch of baby clothes in it so I decided to look around.

I walked in and noticed mothers searching through piles of clothes for their unborn babies.

"Garçon ou fille?" A lady asked me.

"Fille." I smiled and she handed me an adorable pink dress.

"Merci." She nodded and walked away. After I payed for the dress I started walking back to my apartment.

I began to wonder what my baby girl would look like. I hope she has Harry's eyes. She would be beautiful if she did. Not that she wouldn't be beautiful anyways, but if she had his eyes it would be a bonus. Or his hair. She'd be real cute if she had his curly locks.

I pulled out my cellphone and saw Louis texted me the address of the restaurant.

It wasn't a restaurant it was the address to my apartment. He then sent me another text saying he was bringing food over so I wouldn't have to cook.

A few minutes later Jenna and Louis came flying through my door and went right into the kitchen. They were so fast I couldn't even see them.

When I walked into the kitchen they were smiling like little kids and I immediately knew something was up.

"What is with you guys?" They just kept smiling.

I heard whispers from behind me and I turned around to see Liam and Zayn standing there. Zayn was carrying a very large box and Liam was carrying another.

"Guys you really didn't have to get me anything." I said walking up to them as they set the boxes down.

"We really did actually." Zayn said

"Otherwise you wouldn't be able to function when the baby arrives." Liam pushes both boxes towards me.

"Open them." Jenna gushes.

I tore open the first one then the second. One was a stroller, one was a cradle.

"Thank you guys so much!" I gave each one of them a hug and Louis told me to wait on the couch until dinner was ready.

I plopped down on the soft cushions and rubbed my swollen feet. That's been happening a lot lately.

I then placed my hands on my belly and began to speak.

"Hi, this is your mommy." I smiled as I felt her move inside of me.

"I love you very much and I will always be here for you no matter what." My thoughts wandered back to Harry.

"Your daddy loves you too. Every single day he will watch over you and think about you. He will wonder if your ok and if your listening to mommy. He wants you to be happy. He wants the best for you sweetheart, he really does. He will always be with you wherever you go, whether you want him there or not, because he's your daddy. You always will be his little girl."

I wiped my tears with the back of my hand and heard someone sniff back tears behind me.

"I'm sorry I didn't know you guys were sitting there." I looked over at my kitchen table to see Jenna sobbing, Louis rubbing his eyes, Liam blowing his nose and Zayn looking at me sympathetically.

"Your gonna be a great mother Morgan." Zayn stated as the others nodded there head.

"Is dinner ready?" I avoided Zayn's compliment knowing I would cry if I replied.

How could I be a great mother if my child doesn't have a father? What happens when she asks me where her daddy is and why he isn't here? I can't think about that right now though. I just need to think about Jenna.

"Yes it's ready. I'll fix you a plate." Louis got up and I grabbed his arm.

"I can do it."

"No really it's no problem." Liam said standing up.

"Stop. Just stop." They all looked at me.

"I know you guys feel sorry for me, but I don't need that. It's just going to make everything worse. I know Harry isn't here and I know my baby isn't going to have a father. I just have to face it. So just stop please. I appreciate it, but I need to do something for myself for once." I said making Louis and Liam sit back down in their seats.

"I'll get you guys some food. Don't argue with me." They smiled and I walked over to the cabinet and took out five plates.

As I placed food on each of the dishes I imagined what life would be like if Harry was still here. He would be a great father.

City of LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon