Chapter 21

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I would just like to start off with a big thank you to everyone who has read this fanfic! Can't believe I have 1.07k already!


"Beautiful wedding, don't you think?" Harry said sitting down on the steps of the church next to me.

"Really? That's the first thing you say to me." I sighed running a hand through my hair.

"Did you get the lock?" He asks.

"Yeah I got it." I turned to look at him.

"I've been counting the minutes until today." I smiled at the thought of the letter he wrote me.

"I thought you were dead."

"I almost was. When he took me that day I knew I was done for it. Well I thought I was done for it. I only remember some of what happened because they drugged me. They were planning on taking me to some Island to you know, finish me off. While they were planning everything, I escaped."

"When did you escape?"

"About 4 months ago."

"You were with him for 4 whole months?"

"Yes, but it wasn't all that bad. A couple beatings here and there, but I'm pretty strong." I looked at him as my eyes glossed over.

"Why didn't you come back sooner?"

"I didn't want him to follow me back to you. I waited until I knew for sure it was safe."

"I missed you Harry. I missed you so much." I cried into his shoulder.

"Me too baby, me too." He rubbed my back and I entangled my fingers in his curls.

"I really wish you could've been here these past couple months." He placed a hand on my belly.

"Did you um meet someone?" Harry assumed that the baby in my stomach was someone else's.

"No Harry of course not. I don't think I can ever love someone as much as I love you. Except of course-" I pointed to my large tummy.

"SOMEONE RAPED YOU?" Harry screamed as he tugged the ends of his hair.

"No! Harry it's yours." I smiled. He sat back down and stared at me for approximately three minutes before jumping up and down.


"What is it? Boy? Girl? You know what who cares? I certainly don't!"

"It's a girl."

"IT'S A GIRL!" He grabbed my hand and started running back towards the tent.

I tried to keep up with his fast pace and wondered why he was running. Once we got there everyone turned to look at us.

We walked over to our table and all eyes were on us. Mr. MIA himself and the pregnant girl.

Niall and Jenna stared at Harry and he gave them the cheesiest smile he possibly could. As couples fled to the dance floor Jenna and Niall scurried over to us.

"This is awkward." Jenna looked at Harry then back at me.

"I wouldn't say it's awkward. I mean it would be awkward if I just showed up and wasn't invited to your wedding." Harry spoke taking a sip from his glass of water.

"You weren't invited actually. You would have been if you were here. We just assumed you were dead." Niall explained. I would have to agree with him though. I mean of course Harry would have been invited but we all thought he was gone. Why would they invite a dead person?

"Jenna why don't you and Morgan sit down. We have a surprise for you." Liam clapped his hands together while all five boys floated towards the stage.

"Um hey is this thing on maybe?" Harry tapped the microphone. He looked like an idiot. My idiot.

"Hi everybody we're One Direction. Well we are back anyways. I left for a little while and quit thinking I would never be able to see anyone again. I realized I had to come back. I had to come back for the boys, my friends and my absolutely beautiful girlfriend." I smiled at Harry and looked at Niall who began to fake cry.

"You don't think I'm beautiful Harry?" He sniffed back fake snot and placed I hand on Harry's shoulder.

"No I don't. Anyways we are going to be singing a song from our Take Me Home album. It's called, Irresistible. Feel free to grab your partner and dance. So ya lets go."

Harry began to sing the first verse and my eyes never left his.

Don't try to make me stay
Or ask if I'm okay
I don't have the answer
Don't make me stay the night
Or ask if I'm alright
I don't have the answer.

Heartache doesn't last forever
I'll say I'm fine
Midnight ain't no time for laughing
When you say goodbye.

It makes your lips so kissable
And your kiss unmissable
Your fingertips so touchable
And your eyes irresistible.

I've tried to ask myself
Should I see someone else?
I wish I knew the answer.

But I know, if I go now, if I leave
Then I'm on my own tonight
I'll never know the answer.

Midnight doesn't last forever
Dark turns to light
Heartache flips my world around
I'm falling down, down, down,
That's why.

I find your lips so kissable
And your kiss unmissable
Your fingertips so touchable
And your eyes irresistible

I looked at Harry as walked closer and closer to me. When he got to me, he helped me stand up and then began to sing. He held both my small hands in his large one.

It's in your lips and in your kiss
It's in your touch and your fingertips
And it's in all the things and other things
That make you who you are and your eyes irresistible.

He kissed my nose before returning back to the stage to sing the rest of the song.

It makes your lips so kissable
And your kiss unmissable
Your fingertips so touchable
And your eyes, your eyes, your eyes,
Your eyes, your eyes, your eyes

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