Chapter 2

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I boarded the plane and sat down in my seat. My head was pounding and I was in complete and utter shock at what just happened. I took my window seat and screwed my eyes shut. I heard someone sit next to me and prayed it wasn't who I thought it was.

"What are the odds that we are going to the same place and sitting next to eachother on the same plane? I'll tell you right now what the odds are, little to none." I open my eyes and turn my head to see Niall sitting next to me.

"You have to be in the wrong seat." I explain grabbing his plane ticket to look at his seat number.

"I am not in the wrong seat." He points to his seat number and he is in fact correct. I slump down in my seat and rub my hands over my face.

"Morgan, listen I know you said you would never forgive me but just hear me out, okay?" He looks worried so I agree to listening to what he has to say.

"What I did to you, it was wrong." Damn right it was wrong. "I only did it for attention. I wanted people to know who I was. I thought the only way I could do that was to become someone who I wasn't. Seth, Johannah, Kim and Curt weren't nobody's everyone knew who they were. I was selfish."

"I just couldn't believe you would go that far to be popular." I huffed.

"I know. I was stupid." He grabbed my hands and I looked right into those bright blue eyes. "You were my best friend and I ruined that. Please, I'm begging you. Please just give me another chance. I can be kind and caring like I was. There has to be a reason that we are going to Paris at the same time. Please Morgan, please." A tear escaped his eye and I wiped it away with my thumb. He was my best friend and I know he can change.

"Okay." I agreed to letting him show me who he really is.

"Are you serious? Oh my gosh Morg I won't let you down. I know I can be that same boy again." He hugged me and I was on the verge of not breathing. He was crushing my lungs but it felt good. I missed him so much.

"Niall. can't .breathe." I coughed.

"Oh sorry. I'm just so happy." He pulled away and smiled. "So tell me about college and all your friends!" 

I told him about Amanda and Adam. He was suprised I only had two friends and nudged his shoulder. I told him about all my classes and how I was chosen by my French teacher to study in Paris. He told me how proud he was of me and I started laughing.

"What? I'm proud of you. Not a lot of people get this oppurtunity. I'm also happy that your French teacher scheduled you to go away this year."

The flight was 8 hours and I was shocked at how fast it went. For the first 2 hours I talked to Niall, for the next 3 I slept and for the remaining 3 I watched a movie. The flight attendant came on the speaker and announced we would be in Paris in 5 minutes.

I leaned over and whispered in Niall's ear. "Wake up sleepy head were in Paris." He sat up and smiled at me. Does this boy ever stop smiling? He smiled at me again. Nope guess not.

Niall got off the plane first and I was quick to follow behind him. We walked into the airport and it was simlilar to the one in New York except it smelt funny.

"Is it just me or does it smell wierd here?" I asked Niall and turned to him. He was watching some couple make out behind a plant. I started laughing and he turns to me and wiggles his eyebrows.

"It is the City of Love." He smiles at me and I start laughing again. I missed his sense of humor.

"My friends are suppose to meet me here." Niall was looking threw the airport in all different directions. I notice four boys running towards us, tap Niall on the shoulder and point in the direction of the boys.

"That's them!" He screams.

I mean I figured it was them. Why else would four boys be running towards us?

They all ran together and had a huge group hug and I couldn't help but laugh at them jumping up and down like kids in a candy store. When they pulled away I noticed the one with the curly hair staring at me.

Niall noticed and started laughing. I didn't ask why because to be honest I didn't want to know. "Guys this is my best friend from New York, Morgan." Niall introduced me. 

"I'm Louis, nice to meet you." I was suprised when he walked over and gave me a hug.

"I'm Liam." He also gave me a hug.

"I'm Zayn." He smiled at me and then gave me a hug which lasted a little longer than the other ones.

"And I'm Harry." I pulled away from Zayn and waved at Harry. He waved back and smiled at me. His smile was the most gorgeous smile I have ever seen. His teeth were completely white and could probably light up the room. He had these huge dimples that were so adorable I thought I was going to pass out. I got lost in his emerald green eyes and his hair was absolute perfection.

Niall noticed me staring and asked me what hotel I was staying at to change the subject.

"Um the Best Western I think it's called." Harry was still staring. Calm down Morgan he's just a boy. "But I'm only staying there until my French teacher finds me an apartment."

"Oh so your here to study?" Louis asked. I noticed all of them had British accents. I knew Niall lived in Ireland before coming to New York but wondered how he met the other boys.

"Yes I'm studying abroad for a year." I explained to Louis all about my French class while the other boys talked.

Harry's POV

She was beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. I couldn't help but stare. Her brown hair went just past her shoulders and she had the bluest eyes. I was going to crack out one of those "Your eyes look like the ocean joke" but decided against it.

She seemed so smart and I had only just met her. Maybe it's the way I watched her talk to Louis about studying abroad I have no idea, but I sure as hell wanted to find out.

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