Chapter 9

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"Hello?" I said sitting up groggily. It was 10 in the morning and my French teacher was calling me.

"Bonjour Morgan. How is paris treating you?" I rolled my eyes at the thought if Alain

"It's fantastic. If you dont mind me asking, why are you calling me?"

"I just wanted to um check up on um some things."


"There has been a complication with the paperwork we sent the college in Paris. It got lost in the mail."

"Okay so just send another one."

"You don't understand Morgan. If it didn't get to them the first time, then they won't accept it a second. You can't attend school in Paris this year. We have decided that you will just take off a year of school all together. I'm sorry Morgan."

I have been waiting my entire life to study abroad and they just told me I can't. You have got to be kidding me.

"Oh ok well I guess I'll talk to you later."

"I'm sorry Mo-" I hung up before she could finish.

I decided to go for a walk. To try and clear my mind of what just happened.

I went down to the lobby and sat next to a girl on the couch.

For some reason she looked like she was feeling the same way. She turned to me and I waved.

"Bad day?" She asked me.

"I guess you could say that." I sighed.

"Me too. I just got notified that I can't study in Paris this year. Worst day of my life."

"I literally just got off the phone with my French teacher and she told me the same thing." The girls eyes widened.

"Holy shit. Isn't this a coincidence." She started laughing then extended her hand.

"I'm Jenna. It's very nice to meet you."

"I'm Morgan. Nice to me you too."

For the rest of the day me and Jenna chatted about school and exchanged numbers so we could meet for coffee one day.

I was walking back upstairs when I noticed two large men and Alain standing by my door.

I peeked around the corner and saw them talking.

I pushed my back against the wall and listened to their conversation.

"I saw her walk down to the lobby she should be here soon." What?

"Don't worry we'll grab her and go." What?


I'm so confused. Their going to take me?

I peeked my head back around and Alain saw me.


"She's here." I heard footsteps and started to run.

The elevator was definitely going to take to long so I took the stairs.

They were right on my heels and I didn't know what to do.

I reached into my pocket to call Harry and noticed it wasn't there because I left it in my room.

I ran out of the hotel trying to think of a place to go.

Niall's hotel. I started running in the direction I thought it was.

I looked back and saw the men and Alain trailing behind me.

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