Chapter 8

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The next day might have been the best day of my life.

I normally exaggerate over everything but this time I'm dead serious.

Harry texts me early in the morning.

Really early. For me at least.

5 am

Hey Morgan I hope your feeling up to doing something later. Are you?

Of course I obliged.

Meet me at the intersection of the quai Branly and the Pont d'Iéna.

Everyone knows what is located there. The Eiffel Tower. I have always dreamed of going there and now I was. Tonight. Harry told me that I needed to wear something very nice and I thought of the dress I wore when I went out to dinner with all the boys.

I stayed in bed all day until about 4 when I needed to get ready.

"What to wear, what to wear." I asked myself.

I opened my suitcases and there was a gift bag and a letter.

The letter said...

Thought you could wear this tonight.

I opened the bag and my eyes went wide. It was a Sherri Hill dress. That I have wanted forever and Harry got it for me. I am in love with it.

I showered did my makeup and straightened my hair. Nothing extravagant because the dress said it all.

I put my white pumps on and walked out of the door. Alain rounded the corner and I turned around, walked back into my room and locked it.

There was a knock on my door and I stepped back.

I was just going to call Harry . No big deal.

"Hello Morgan." I laughed at the way he said it.

"Hello Harold." He laughed at the way I said it.

"What's up? Aren't I suppose to see you in like 10 minutes?" He asked.

"Yes, you are. But Alain is standing outside my door and I'm kind of-"


"Yeah." I sighed.

"I'll be right there. Don't open the door."

I waited for Harry and heard him outside the door.

When I opened it he was talking to Alain and they both whipped there heads towards me.

Harry got right in Alain's face.

"Don't ever go near her again."

"Can we just go Harry, please?" He nodded his head and we started walking towards the elevator.

We stepped in and Harry sighed. He legit punched the lobby button and within seconds we stepped out again.

Not a single word was spoken until we got in the limo. Yes limo.

"What's your problem?" Harry turned to me a little thrown back at what I said.

"My problem? What's yours?"

"You were so angry like two seconds ago and Alain isn't even your problem."

"Your right he's not my problem so next time don't call me when he's standing outside your door."

I widened my eyes. "Fine."

"Excusez-moi se il vous plaît pilote tirer plus." I instructed the driver and he pulled over.

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