Chapter 22

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Harry's POV

Tonight was the night. Tonight is the night I'm going to propose to Morgan. I want to spend the rest of my life with her and my daughter.

"Getting ready, for the night of nights-" Morgan came dancing in to the room.

"Are you singing High School Musical?" I laughed.

"Psh no I don't even know what that is." I rolled my eyes and nodded my head.

"Yeah sure you don't."

I had something really special planned. Or that's at least what I thought.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"How did I know you were gonna ask that?" I smiled and she shrugged.

"You just know me I guess. But seriously where?"

"It's a surprise. I can't tell you."

"Ugh fine. I better like it though."

"I think you will." I winked as she walked into the bathroom to finish getting ready.

Morgan's POV

I was so excited for tonight you have no idea.

I was a little nervous I mean Harry always tells me where we are going so when he said it was a surprise I was freaking out.

"Ready babe?" He said from the door.

"As ready as I'll ever be."

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"I don't know it's just you never suprise me with anything and you are tonight."

"I promise your gonna love it." I rolled my eyes and he smiled as we walked out of my apartment.

When we got outside there was a limo waiting for us and Harry ran over to open the door.

"Thank you kind sir." I winked and slipped inside the black vehicle.

The ride wasn't very long and once we got there I was blindfolded by the driver. To be honest I thought I was being kidnapped.

He guided me from behind and I felt sand between my toes. Once he took the blindfold off I saw the boys staggered in a line down the beach. Harry was no where to be found.

The first boy I went up to was Zayn. He handed me a red rose and an index card that said WILL on it.

"Thanks Zayn." I smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek. I walked diagonally to Liam who was holding a red rose and another index card that said YOU.

"Is this what I think it is?" I asked him.

"It depends on what you think it is love." He smiled.

The next boy was Louis and he was holding a red rose and an index card. No suprise there.

His index card said MARRY. This was not happening.

"This isn't happening."

"It is happening." He whispered in my ear.

The last boy on the beach was Niall and he once again was holding a rose and an index card.

I grabbed the index card from his hand and it said ME?

I saw Harry walking down the beach approaching closer and closer.

Once he finally got to me he took the index cards and roses out of my hands and handed them to Niall. That's when I noticed all the boys standing behind me.

"Morgan Wright, you are the right girl for me. Oh man haha I'm sorry I had to say that. Morgan, I love you. I love you so much that I would do anything for you. I love our baby and I will do anything for her as well. I want to marry you because I want you to be the first person I see when I wake up in the morning. I want our baby to be the most spoiled little girl in the whole world. I know you won't like that but you can't stop me babe. I mean you could if you said no but I really hope you say yes. I want to be the only one who kisses you and takes your breath away even if it's only for a short second."

He looked down at my hands in his and began to speak again. I was at this point sobbing my eyes out.

"When I first held these hands I couldn't imagine not being able to hold them everyday of my life. When you love someone so much that you would die for them, getting married is the only thing that's left. So um Morgan will you marry me?"

I looked at his bright emerald green eyes and knew right away what my answer was. I knew Harry was who I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I want him to be the father of our baby and my husband.

"Yes. Yes Harry. Yes I will marry you."

I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while and I'm sorry this chapter is really short. The next chapters will be longer I promise!

Also, Zayn has left. We all know that. I will not be making that a point in the story and taking him out of the band because I don't want to do that. I will not be taking him out of the band in any of my future stories either because when I think of One Direction I think of him as well. If anyone disagrees with me please comment and I'll look into your opinions.

Thank you for reading! ;)

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