Chapter 6

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After they taped my ribs and put the splint on they gave me pain medication which I was extremely thankful for. Another nurse that didn't speak very much English came in and helped me into a wheelchair.

She wheeled me out and I saw Harry talking to Niall and she wheeled me over to them.

"Morg oh my gosh how are you doing?" Niall gave me a hug and a whined.

"She's in a lot of pain lad don't touch her." Harry explained.

"Sorry! I can imagine how much it hurts. I'm so sorry I didn't pick up the phone. I hate myself for that." Niall rubbed his hand over his face.

"Don't hate yourself it's ok. I promise." I touched his cheek and he kissed mine. I noticed Harry's jaw clench but I ignored him.

"Can she leave now?" Niall asked the nurse still holding onto the wheelchair.

"We we." She responded.

Niall wheeled me out of the hospital and Harry followed behind him.

"Wait, my dress! I left my dress in there! Niall turn me around."

"I have it." Harry handed me my dress

"Oh thank you. Not that I can where it again." I look down at my blood stained dress. I noticed I was also still in a hospital gown but I didn't care at this point.

"Harry call a cab please." Niall glanced at Harry and he was walking down the block.

"Okay I guess I'll call it myself." Niall huffed and ran to the street. Within seconds a cab pulled over to the edge of the sidewalk.

Niall helped me out of the wheelchair and I grabbed onto his neck leaving fingerprint marks. After I was in the back Niall slid in next to me.

"Niall you left the wheelchair out there." I noticed the wheelchair as we started to pull away.

"That's okay they'll find it." He laughed.

"Morgan can you tell me what exactly happened?" I began to explain to Niall everything that happened leaving out Alain.

We got to my hotel and Niall payed the driver. He then got out first and I couldn't find a way to get out without it hurting.

"Ow Niall it hurts." He laughed and I furrowed my eyebrows together.

"This is funny to you? That I can't get out of a car without screaming in pain? You know what I'll do it myself." I stepped out of the car and keeled over.

Niall lifted me up and I was on my feet again. He put his hand on the small of my back and the other on my stomach to keep me supported. I then put my arm around his shoulder because it was more comfortable that way.

We walked into the hotel and I noticed someone sitting on the couch in the lobby. Alain. Niall guided me over to the elevator and pressed the button then returning his hand to my stomach.

I noticed Alain walking over to us and I pressed the button as many times as I could. Finally it opened and I jumped over to the buttons.

"Door close, door close, door close." It began to close until something stopped it. A boot. Alain's boot. I stepped over to Niall and grabbed his hand.

Alain turned to me and gave me the most devilish smile I can't even explain it. "You two are an adorable couple." The doors open and he stepped out.

I didn't notice I was holding my breath until I was gasping for air. I began to sob. Hard sobs. Whole body shaking sobs.

"Morgan what's wrong? Do you need to go to the hospital? Do you ne-" I cut him off.

"Shut up I'm fine." The door opened and I practically flew down the hallway to my room. I opened the door and saw dirt footprints and blood scattered across the carpet.

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