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Hey guys! I know I promised an update yesterday, and I did start writing! But it was close to 2 AM my time, so I decided to call it a night. Now I present to you the Final Chapter of Girl Meets World of Pretend.

Approximately Five Minutes later, Riley and Topanga met Corey, Maya, Cory, and Auggie on the roof.
"What's the plan?" Riley asked.
"No no no not so fast." A menacing voice said from behind them.
"Hello Paul." Topanga sighed sarcastically.
"Don't use a tone Miss." Paul jeered. "Take them away."
A swarm of guards exploded from the doorway to the roof. They put sacks over the intruders heads and dragged them down into the building. But, right before the door slammed to the roof, Riley dropped a tic tac bomb on the stairs by accident.

"Peyton. I don't think we will find them in th middle of the city." Olivia panted as they ran past Times Square.
"We need to find them!" Peyton snapped. "Sorry. I'm just really worried." He apologized.
"Do you think that Paul could have gotten to them?" Olivia quivered in the Late November breeze.
"I say we split up and go find out." Peyton said confidently. "I'll go back to the Empire State Building. You try to gather as many extras as you can to help out."
"Got it." Olivia murmured as she ran to a nearby woman and talked frantically as she nodded her head.
Peyton sprinted as fast as he could to get back to Paul and his friends.

The bags were pulled off of the Matthews' clans heads quickly. They found themselves stripped of their weapons and trapped in big hamster ball- like quarters.
Riley kicked hers hard with her toe and was thrown backwards by a shock wave force.
"Yeah don't try that again if you wanna stay conscious." Paul smirked.
"Let us out! Why do you want to keep us here anyway?" Topanga groaned.
"Because. When you all are trapped in this artificial world I created, I control you. I'm mad with power." Paul grinned.
"I'm sure you weren't always this way." Riley sighed. "There's good in everyone, no one is born evil." She said thoughtfully.
Paul thought about his old boss Edward. Paul had never meant to end up like him. He just, lost track of what was important. He pushed the thought out if his mind and let out a noise of frustration and left in a huff.
After a few minutes, Cory cleared his throat. "My family and friends." He started dramatically. "I just want to say that I am deeply sorry that our misfortune-"
"Mommy!" Auggie whispered.
"Not now, listen to your father."
"But Mom!" Auggie grunted.
"Auggie! I said LISTEN!" Topanga's patience wore out.
Auggie pointed to the control panel. Peyton was panting and standing over it, pushing the keyboard.
"PEYTON!" Corey yelled gleefully.
"Shhhh!" Peyton hissed. He pushed three more buttons and the capsules opened. The prisoners tumbled onto the floor.
Riley and Corey ran up to Peyton and hugged him.
"Hey there... Peyton?" Cory said slowly.
"Hello sir."
"So what do we do now?" Riley asked, still stunned by Peyton's appearance.
"We run."

They ran all the way to the dock of the Harbor.
"What now?"
"GUYS!" Olivia screamed as she came into view.
"Missy?" Riley asked, suddenly sickened.
"I'll explain later!" Olivia called. "Just get into the boat!!"
An explosion went off in the distance. The Empire State Building was on fire.
"The bomb..." Riley muttered to herself.
She hopped down into the boat. Maya followed her.
"We go alone." Riley informed her parents.
Riley sailed off.
The Harbor suddenly turned rough, the skies turned gray.
Paul's voice was thunder.
"Turn around! NOW!" He screamed over the wind. His voice came from the clouds.
"Or what? You will kill us? You can't really afford that right now, can you?" Maya countered cunningly.
Paul's thunder growled again.
Riley sailed on, all the way to the horizon.
"NO!" Paul screamed.
The boat crashed into a wall.
"A wall? In the middle of the ocean?" Riley asked. "Oh right, television show set."
She hopped off the boat and scaled the wall for a door.
"You go through that door, you're finished!" Paul yelled from the clouds.
"Finished with a fake life? I'll gladly take it." Riley smiled and walked through the door.


Maya and Riley walked down the apartment stairs arm in arm. It had been three months since Paul was sued, and he was jailed. Riley and Maya had become very good friends with Olivia. Corey and Peyton became part of the Matthews' clan. The world was content.

"Take on the world?"
"For real this time?"

-Kelsey :)

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