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"You blew it. You absolutely blew it. You're lucky I don't fire you! I should!" Paul bellowed at Peyton from his office.

"Sir! It wasn't his fault!" Corey argued.

"And you!" Paul shrieked. "You couldn't keep it together! You cannot let your guard down! You almost blew this entire television show!" He fumed.

"Just because we are actors, doesn't mean we don't have feelings." Peyton mumbled.

Paul sighed and closed his eyes. He was stressed.

"I asked you to do one thing Peyton. One. Thing. You couldn't even do it." He shouted.

"You don't understand-" Peyton yelled. "You don't know what it's like to love someone you won't ever be with!" Peyton breathed in realization of what he just said.

Corey's eyes flicked from Peyton to Paul, unaware of what would happen next.

"Peyton, I've never seen anything like this, I don't know what's gonna happen..." He said finally.

Paul sighed.

"Both of you out." He sneered. "Olivia's really the only one I can count on." He muttered rubbing his temples.

Corey and Peyton rose from their seats. Paul walked over to the window overlooking the city.

"Wait." He ordered. Peyton and Corey whipped around. "You both have 24 hours to make things right, or we will stage an accident." Paul explained.

"What do you mean an accident?" Corey asked fretfully.

"I mean, if you don't fix things with these girls and do as I told you, I will stage an accident to kill you both and you will be fired." Paul said calmly. "You won't ever see those girls again. Do you understand me."

"Yes sir." They mumbled.

"Now get out of my sight." Paul snarled.

They walked out numbly.

"COREY!" They looked up and saw Olivia running towards them. "Corey!" She stammered out of breath. "I-I am so so s-sorry!" She cried throwing her arms around Corey and sobbing. "I didn't m-mean it!" She whimpered.

"It's okay." Corey said rubbing Olivia's hair. "Because I have an idea. We are gonna screw this guy over once and for all."

The three teens looked at each other and formed a plan.

"Maya, it's okay." Riley had been telling her friend this for the past half hour. Maya had been sobbing about Farkle. "Shhhh. It's okay." Riley whispered. Suddenly she got an idea. "Maya I will be right back. I promise." She said reassuringly.

Maya was broken. She hadn't felt worse in her life. Not even when her mom showed up a day late to career day, not even when Riley accused her of stealing that locket. None of that compared to the pain of being rejected by someone she thought would always be there for her.

The door opened once again, but Riley was not alone this time. Topanga walked in holding a fresh batch of sugar cookies, Maya's favorite. "Mrs. Matthews, you really didn't need to-" Maya started as she wiped her tears.

"I don't need to, but I will." Topanga beamed at Maya. "So, I heard you had some Farkle problems." Topanga hugged Maya.

"You told her?" Maya groaned to Riley.

"Honey, we don't have soundproof walls, I hear everything." Topanga said lightly. Maya grinned a bit.

"He will come around, Maya." Topanga said comfortingly. "You are beautiful and fun and smart-" she started.

"And loyal and sarcastic and funny." Riley finished smiling.

"If he doesn't see that, then he's not as bright as we pursued him to be." Topanga joked.

Maya chuckled a little. "Thank you Mrs. Matthews." She sighed, crying to compose herself.

"It's Topanga."

Topanga smiled down at Maya. She saw her old friend Shawn Hunter in Maya's eyes. In fact, they looked very similar. They had the same jawline and eye shape. She hadn't seen or heard from Shawn in a while. She smiled inwardly. Shawn had always been a trouble maker, and for as long as she could remember it was always "Cory and Shawn." She saw that in Riley and Maya.

"You girls eat these cookies, I have to make a call." Topanga said abruptly.

"Thanks mom." Riley said as she hugged her mother lovingly.

A few minutes later Auggie walked into Riley's room. Maya and Auggie had never been close. Out of all the Matthews, Maya talked to Auggie the least. However, whenever they talked, Maya always ended up smiling.

"Maya, what's wrong?" He asked softly.

"Nothing Auggie." She said happily. "Why would you think that Curly Fry?"

Auggie laughed at his nickname.

"Mommy only makes cookies when someone is sad." He informed the astounded blonde.

"It's a girl thing Auggie." Riley said dismissively.

"You think I don't know girls?" Auggie challenged as he jumped on the bed.

The girls laughed at his childish actions.

"I happen to have a girlfriend!" He giggled.

"The one that likes Cheese?" Maya questioned.

"She has a name! It's Ava!" He grinned. "She is this many!" He said holding up six fingers.

"So she's an older woman?" Maya mused.

"Yup!" Auggie yelled as he slid off the bed. "Maya? Why are you sad?" He asked innocently as he ran to give her a hug.

"Farkle hurt my feelings Auggie." She said simply, trying to explain it to the young boy.

"You mean, you thought he cared about you and would always be there, but he wasn't this time?" Auggie asked.

Riley and Maya's eyes widened.

"Auggie. You understand things very well for someone who is this many. Maya said approvingly holding up 5 fingers.

"Feel better Maya!" He sang as he squeezed her fingers and bounced out if the room.

"That kid... Is gonna make history." Maya said in disbelief.

Riley and Maya laughed lightly and ate their cookies in silence.

"So what happened with-" Maya started.

"Hang on." Riley said dully. She walked over to her door and opened it. Her father practically fell into the room.

"DAD!" Riley shrieked.

Maya chuckled.

"I uh..." Cory started.

Riley narrowed her eyes.

"Okay. I'll leave." Cory said quickly.

"No, Mr. Matthews, wait." Maya said.

"Yes Maya?"

"Why were you eves dropping?"

"I needed all the details so I could kill Farkle once for every time be hurt you today." Cory explained calmly, as if it wasn't murderous.

Maya eyes him suspiciously.

"I don't want my little girls growing up. My motives are completely selfish." Cory defended.

"I don't think they are Mr. Matthews." Maya smirked.

Cory walked out sheepishly.

"He loves you. We all do." Riley assured her friend. Maya couldn't be happier. The world was content, but how long would the happiness last?

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