Wake up.

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"Well Mr. And Mrs. Matthews, I am happy to say that your son made it out alive. He has severe lung damage and hit his head awfully hard. He has a burn across his left cheek, and many bruises." A medic said. "But, he is in a coma. It is his decision wether or not to wake up."

Riley was never one to cry loudly. Tears involuntarily streamed down her face. Cory's eyes were bloodshot and puffy. Topanga had a bandage on her cheek and her lip was bloody. Maya was sobbing into her hand trying to remain strong.

"Can we see him?" Topanga asked weakly.

"Yes you may. But it is immediate family only." The doctor said eyeing Maya.

"It's okay. I'll stay back." She said wearily.

"She's immediate family. Blood or not." Cory said forcefully.

"Sir, I cannot allow-"

"Get out of my way." Cory spat angrily.

The medic decided not to argue.

They walked into a lonely room in the pediatric section if the hospital. Auggie was hooked up to many machines. Topanga choked back a sob when she realized he wasn't breathing on his own.

"My baby." She whispered. Cory ushered Maya and Riley out to give his wife privacy.

"We go in separately." He said solemnly.

"Auggie. You have to listen to me honey. I know you don't like to very much, but this is extremely important. You have to wake up. You're only this many." Topanga said, holding up five fingers. And chuckling a little. "I know it's a lot to ask of a little guy like you, but you have to do it for Mommy, Daddy and Riley and Maya. We will wait as long as it takes... Even when you're this many." Topanga said holding up ten fingers. "Besides, who am I going to bake cookies with? Or watch Mr. Googly with? I love you." She whispered as she kissed her son's head. She walked out as her body shook with sobs.

Cory went in next.

"Oh Auggie. You're my little man. You're my super spy. We are the men of the house. You're a good little guy. You have to wake up. For daddy. I can't face three girls alone you know!" Cory laughed. "I love you buddy." He walked out silently.

If Auggie died now, he wouldn't ever become a man, fall in love, graduate high school, have a girlfriend, or get married. He would die a boy. Cory let a tear slide down his cheek.

Riley stood up slowly. She walked into the room silently, afraid of what she would see.

"Hey buddy." She said lightly. "Remember that time, when you performed close up magic with daddy? Or sang Italian opera? Or was daddy's little man? You have to wake up little guy. You're the only Auggie I have! I love you, no matter how annoying you are! Please wake up soon buddy." Riley felt a wave of regret wash over her. She should have treated Auggie better. She cried into her hands.

"I'm so sorry." She whispered. After a few moments the machines started beeping frantically. Auggie was turning blue.

"NURSE!" Riley screamed.

"Someone! Anyone! Help!" She shrieked. Doctors ran in and wheeled Auggie out as fast as they could.

"Internal bleeding, ruptured spleen." She heard a doctor say frantically.

She fell to the floor in a heap and sobbed.

The next week was awful for the Matthew's family. Lucas, Farkle, and Missy were gone. No one had seen or heard from them. Auggie still had not woken up, and he wasn't allowed any visitors. Alan and Amy stopped by frequently, hoping their grandson could be saved. Morgan and Eric stopped by with their children often as well. Joshua, Cory's younger brother visited the hospital everyday. Even Mr. Feeney, Cory's old history teacher dropped by the hospital. Everyone was losing hope in the Matthew's family. However, there was one Hart that still had a little hope shining.

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