I Miss You

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Riley laid on her bed in deep thought. Maya had been gone for six days. If they didn't do something, she would be dead the next day. Riley shuddered at the thought of Maya being dead. Farkle was gone, Lucas too. She was even upset with Missy's disappearance. If Maya was gone, she would not have anyone left. She sobbed silently and looked up when there was a tap on her window. She glanced at the night sky beyond her window. It was the only thing she could see.

"Stupid pigeons." She muttered.

She walked over to her mirror and began wiping the mascara off of her cheeks.

"Come home Maya!" She whispered. "I need you. I miss you."

"Missed you too little plant." Riley whipped around to her window. Maya was sitting on the ledge just like old times. Tears of joy filled Riley's eyes. She ran over to the sill and went to hug Maya.

Right as Maya was in her grasp, Riley woke with a start. She was sitting in her bed crying. She looked to the window, and saw the same window she was looking out of for the past week. No Maya, no excitement. She groaned and sat up.

The seventh day. Maya could already be dead. She walked into the kitchen sadly.

Her father looked at her wearily. He woke up with the same dreading feeling. Topanga was rubbing the tears from her eyes.

"Why hasn't Maya been here?" Auggie asked innocently. "She hasn't been here in forever!"

"You got that right Auggie." Riley muttered.

After a few minutes of eating in silence she muttered "I am taking a walk." Blandly.

"To where?" Topanga questioned. She remembered the letter. Riley would be gone next. The Paul man could be lurking anywhere.

"Just to Central Park." Riley replied.

"Be back in two hours and take your phone." Cory instructed.

Riley trudged to her room and put on leggings and a long sleeved sweater. She grabbed her phone and walked to the door.

"See you later!" Cory called from the kitchen. A little voice in his head said "maybe not."

It took her three minutes to reach the park. She saw all of the little kids and it reminded her of the times when her and Maya used to run around and play tag near the duck pond. She remembered back to the day when she met Maya.

She was a little six year old girl sitting on a swing. Her brown hair was floating and she was giggling and flying. She saw another little girl with blonde hair. She was walking towards the duck pond with a loaf of bread. Riley jumped off the swing with a bounce. She cautiously walked around the the slide and peered at the strange little girl. She tiptoed around and stood behind a pole over looking the pond.

"I see you." The blonde girl said without turning around. Riley jumped and tried to hide her small frame behind the pole.

"Why are you hiding?" The blonde girl asked.

"You look interesting." Riley's vocabulary was advanced.

"You talk funny." The blonde girl giggled. "I am Maya. Who are you?" She said as she finally turned around.

Riley studied her face. She was pale with light blue eyes and pink cheeks.

"I am Riley. I like Ducks too." She said pointing to a baby duck. She stood beside the blonde girl. They both were tiny, but Riley was a bit taller.

"I don't like the Ducks." Maya said plainly.

"Then why are you feeding them?" Riley asked.

"My Daddy didn't like me. He still fed me." Maya replied. "Here." She said and stuffed a piece of bread into Riley's hand.

"Thanks." Riley said.

Riley returned to her real life. She went to sit on a swing. She looked down sadly. She missed her friends. She missed Lucas' overall perfectness, Maya's funny nature and Farkle's care. She remembered back to the day when she met Farkle with Maya.

They had been around eight years old. Riley and Maya used to have super secret meetings underneath a small water bridge near the park. One day, they were talking about which was better. Sweet or Salty foods.

"Pretzels and chips are much better than chocolate and cookies!" Maya giggled.

"But what about Ice cream, or Kit Kat bars?!" Riley argued back while laughing.

"Ladies, if I may, I think both sweet and salty are equally delicious."

The little girls turned around slowly. They saw a boy dressed in a collared shirt and a sweater over it. He was wearing tan, ironed pants.

"Your hair looks like a coconut." Maya observed.

"Why thank you." He said as he flipped his hair. "Your hair looks like honey." The boy replied sweetly.

Maya put a hand to her hair.

"What's your name?" Riley asked quizzically.

"Farkle." The boy replied with a grin. "What names go with your pretty faces?" He said innocently.

"I am Riley!" Riley smiled.

"Maya." The blonde muttered. Eyeing Farkle up and down.

"May I join you?" Farkle asked eagerly.

"SURE!" Riley gushed.

"Wait wait wait." Maya said. "I already have a weird friend." She groaned.

"Now you have two pretty lady."

"Oh no." Maya sighed.

Riley giggled.

Riley missed the days where no one cared about anything except who won a game of CandyLand. She rose up from the swing when she felt a tug on her sweater. She froze. Another tug pulled her into the bushes.

She screamed until a hand clapped over her mouth.

"SHHH!" A voice whispered in the darkness.


"MAYA HURRY!!" Corey yelled as they crossed the busy streets of New York.


They got to the other side and Corey panted.

"Sorry I forgot." He said meekly.

"It's fine." Maya breathed. "Where are we going?"

"To the Matthews, but we have to take out a few cameras first."

"Wait what?!"

"HEY!!!" Corey yelled. All of the people on the streets looked at him.

"Yeah! All of you guys! Take out as many cameras as you can if you want to help Maya!" The people flooded all around the streets throwing shoes at lamp posts and other weird places.

"What are they doing?!" Maya yelled after Corey who had started running.

"They are extras in this television show that you are on. They are destroying the camera footage so we can get to the Matthews' apartment." Corey yelled back.

They made it onto the Subway and were headed for the Matthews' apartment.

"How did I not know about this? Why didn't you tell me?" Maya asked quietly.

"You know Paul? He is the director. I work for him. I wasn't allowed to. You would have gotten hurt. I'm so sorry." Corey whispered, not daring to look into Maya's eyes.
"You were only protecting me." Maya mumbled.
Slowly, Corey started leaning in. Maya inclined her head until her lips connected with his.
"Uh oh."

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