To the Empire State Building!

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"LUCAS?" Riley yelled as a hand was removed from her mouth. Just seconds ago, she had been pulled into a bush by her sweater.

"Riley you have to listen to me. My name is not Lucas. My name is Peyton Meyer. You are trapped in a television show about your life with your family and Maya. You have to get out of here while you can. Get out. Get out now. Leave. The television show headquarters are at the top of the Empire State Building. If you shut them down, you win."

"Lucas... I mean... Peyton... YOU ARE INSANE! I am not in a television show. Everything is real! I am normal in a normal world." Riley sputtered.

"Is this normal to you?" Peyton pressed a button on his watch. "Look." He pointed through the bushes.

Every person on the street froze in their positions. He pressed another button. They all did the Chicken Dance in sync. He pressed one more button and they all recited the Gettysburg Address.

"Riley, you have to believe me." Peyton pleaded.

Riley looked at Peyton with sad eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

All of a sudden, sirens went off. Peyton's eyes went wide.

"Get out of here Riley. Go home. Leave before you get hurt."

Peyton crawled away into the grass and sprinted for the subway. Riley watched him as he got dragged into a black vehicle.

"PEYTON!" She screamed.

The vehicle drove away toward the Empire State Building.

"No." She gasped.

She got up and sprinted towards her apartment.

She had to save him. She had to save herself.

Maya and Corey were startled by a man clearing his throat on the subway car. They stopped kissing and looked at him.

"Uh oh." Corey breathed.

"Nice to see you again." Paul hissed.

"Corey..." Maya's heart pounded.

"It's ok. I beat his ass once, I can do it again." Corey murmured.

"I am not here to hurt you. I am after your pathetic friend Riley now. I heard she was going to save Peyton at headquarters." He smirked.

"Not if we get there first." Corey snarled. The doors opened to their stop.

"See you soon!" Paul sung merrily.

They ran up the street . They finally reached the apartment building.

"FARKLE!" Corey screamed into the intercom button.

"Come on up!" Topanga yelled.

Minutes later, Corey stood in the doorway of the Matthews house. Maya stepped out from behind him.

"MAYA!" The family yelled as they went to hug the girl.

"Are you hurt?"

"Oh my! That burn!"

"What happened to your neck?"

"We don't have much time." Corey said as he fiddled with his phone.

"Farkle... I thought you were dead..." Topanga asked slowly. She hadn't even thought about that when she let him up.

"My name is Corey Folgelmanis. I am an actor in a television show about your life and Maya's life. A man named Paul is the director of this show. He controls everything around you. We have to get to the Empire State Building as soon as we can. He has Peyton and Riley captive."

"Wait wait wait." Cory said. "Farkle, this is insane." He said.

"Oh really?" Corey turned on the TV. The Matthews television was wired not to stream the television show. Corey plugged his phone into a cord and pressed a few buttons.

All of a sudden, a colorful theme song started playing.

I've been waitin'

For a day like this to come

Struck like lightnin'

My heart's beating like a drum

On the edge of something wonderful

Face to face with changes

What's it all about?

Life is crazy

But I know I can work it out

Cause' I got you to live it with me

I feel all right, I'm gonna take on the world

Light up the stars, I've got some pages to turn

I'm singing oh oh oh

oh oh oh oh

I've got a ticket to the top of the sky

I'm comin' up, I'm on the ride of my life

I'm singing oh oh oh

oh oh oh oh

Take on the world.

Take on the world.

Take on the world.

Take on the world.

Take on the world.

Take on the world.

Images of Riley, Maya, Cory, Topanga, and Auggie floated across the screen. Corey's picture appeared too, with his name underneath. Lucas did as well, but Peyton Meyer was his name.

"Now do you believe me?" Corey questioned.


"Not without Riley." Topanga said.

"Good thing I'm here." Riley stepped into the doorway.

"Let's go."

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