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I own nothing but the story

"Come on!" Yelled Maya. "I know where they are keeping Peyton."
The gang zigzagged through the streets in Manhattan. They knocked people over left and right. The extras were frantically trying to throw purses, shoes, even pants at hidden cameras in order to buy them some time.
"Guys! Stop!" Corey yelled after Riley and her family. He had tripped over a crack in the sidewalk. A swarm of men in black suits and frightening white masks surrounded him. He frantically reached for his gravity belt. Suddenly, Maya had an idea.
She crept over behind the lamp post.
"Maya!" Riley whispered.
Maya slowly and carefully slipped her invisibility cloak on and she disappeared from everyone's sight.
"No one can save you now, Twerp." One of the men jeered to Corey.
Corey's face went white with fear. The man raised his hand, which held a frying pan. Corey winced as he brought it down. The frying pan was taken out of the man's hands, and hit him over the head instead. No one saw who had done it probably because Maya had been invisible.
"What the-" another man said as he fell to the ground with a grunt. A force had taken the wind out of him from behind.
Topanga was standing behind him with her laser lipstick casually in her hand.
Auggie punched a man in his "no-no" zone with his super strength gloves.
"You little brat!" The man yelled on the floor in pain.
Riley pulled the trigger on her stun gun, and accidentally lost control, stunning three more men then she had planned.
"Yeah... I meant to do that..." She said shakily.
Cory turned his jet pack boots on and drop kicked the last man in the air.
Auggie pulled Corey up from the ground with ease.
"Let's keep moving." Topanga said casually, as if nothing out of the ordinary had just happened.
"I see the Empire State Building!" Riley yelled.
"We can't just walk in!" Corey said.
"We have to climb." Cory murmured.
"Honey. You take Auggie up to the top with your Jetpack boots. I have grappling hooks in my fanny pack." Topanga said.
"Mommy?" Auggie asked fretfully.
"It's gonna be ok Auggie. Daddy's got you." Cory said.
"I can use my gravity belt." Corey said as he grabbed Maya's hand.
"I'm going to shoot this grappling hook and climb with Riley." Topanga said.
"Meet there in five." Cory yelled to Topanga.
"Mom... There's no way we can get up there in five minutes." Riley said.
"Oh honey. We aren't actually climbing. The grappling hook pulls us up." Topanga laughed as if it was obvious.
She scaled the building quickly. She shot the grappling hook into the air until she felt it latch onto something.
"Come on hurry!" She grabbed Riley and pushed a button. They shot up into the air. Just in time too, guards poured out the front door, but we're too late.

"No, no, no, NO!" Paul screeched. "Send in 125 more minions!" He ordered into headsets.
"They will win, Paul." Peyton said snarkily.
"Oh I almost forgot you two were still here." He snapped back. "Dispose of them. Make them wish they never were born."
Peyton and Olivia's eyes widened as two guards took them into a dark room.
"Which one shall we torture first?" One asked.
"The girl." The other guard answered.
They grabbed Olivia forcefully and tied her to a mattress.
"Please, no!" She screamed.
Peyton struggled against ropes.
Then men kicked her fourteen times. They ripped her hair out of her head. They punched her and scratched her. Finally, one man pulled out a switchblade.
"This might hurt a little, honey." He teased.
"Please. Stop!" Olivia wailed. "SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE!" She cried out. The man plunged the switchblade into Olivia's hand and twisted it slowly.
She shrieked and cried in agony.
The other man got on top of her. "Shhh." He said "It's all going to be over soon." He slowly and carefully put his hand up Olivia's shirt.
She screamed and kicked him.
Peyton had enough. He spotted a blade on a table across from him. He slowly reached for it.
"Come on, come on." He whispered. It was just out of his reach.
Olivia screamed again when the man took his actions a step further and gently started taking her shirt off.
Peyton growled. "Get off of her." He snarled.
The man looked up from Olivia. He threw a look at the other man quickly.
"Take care of him." He murmured.
The other man untied Peyton quickly and punched him in the jaw hard enough to make him see stars.
Peyton jolted and kicked the guard in the stomach against the wall. He grabbed the blade and got the guard in a head lock. He held the blade to his throat.
The man that had been on top of Olivia jumped up and onto Peyton's back.
Peyton punched his head from behind causing the guard to go limp. Peyton stomped on his face and pushed him aside to deal with later.
"Untie her." He growled to the man he had in a head lock.
The man trudged over to Olivia and untied her.
"Olivia. Tie the first one to the pole."
Peyton finally let the man go. But still held the blade to his face.
"Go to the pole." He said forcefully.
The man listened. Olivia tied the men together and handcuffed each of them to the pole.
"Where are the keys?" She said horsely.
The barely conscious man pointed to a filing cabinet.
Peyton retrieved the keys and unlocked the door. He picked Olivia up, who had been limping and exited the room.
Olivia fell to the floor and weeped.
"It's ok." Peyton whispered.
They set off into the New York City sunset, in hopes of finding their friends, who were in grave danger.

Hey guys! I'm so so so so so so so SO sorry I haven't updated in literally FOREVER. I have so much homework and extracurricular activities, that I put this story on the back burner. Don't worry. I am on break now and will hope to update another once or twice until the next break. I hope you forgive me!

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