Meet the Cast

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Maya Hart was always an interesting child. She would walk around the streets of Manhattan as young as seven years old, all by herself. She would terrorize the shopkeepers with her constant shenanigans. They would tell at her that they would call her mother, but she shrugged it off easily. She was a troublemaker for sure, and everyone knew it. The only thing that kept her in check was her best friend Riley Matthews.

Riley Matthews was beautiful. She was nice, and a bit of a goody two shoes. But who could blame her? Her father, Cory Matthews was her history teacher. Her mother Topanga was a lawyer. She was quirky and academic. Her best friend in the entire world was Maya. She was her first friend ever. You could say the two girls were complete opposites. Right down to the hair color. They were like puzzle pieces that fit together perfectly.

But, they were not in on the secret that everyone else on earth knew. They were staged to become friends. Maya's family could not afford to be cast in the world-wide television show. Maya was the only one in the entire world who other than the Matthews, was not an actor in the Matthews' Show.

The television show took off quite rapidly. Within hours of airing, the entire world was watching.

The poor Matthews family was living in a plastic world, nothing they knew was real.

Even Maya and Riley's best friends were in on the plan. They were actors, but developed a real connection with the girls.

Farkle was also a very interesting child. His real name was Corey, but he went by Farkle for the show. He was a genius. He knew every answer to every question and enjoyed learning very much. He grew fond on Maya and Riley, you could even say he was in love with them. He wished he could tell them the truth. He really did.

Lucas was cast to be the new kid from Texas. His real name was Peyton. He went by Lucas for the show though. He went on adventures with Maya, Riley and Farkle. He wished that it was real. He was also cast to fall in love with Riley. They were to be in love, and then Lucas would leave her eventually. Lucas didn't like this very much at all. He developed real feelings for Riley. To break her heart, he would have to break his own.

It was a cool fall day in New York City. The cameras were rolling, the extras were flooding the streets.

"Places everyone." Paul said into his headset.

A chorus of "copy that." Was heard from multiple headsets around the city.

"Action." He whispered.

That was Farkle's cue. He hated this.

"Farkle!" He buzzed the intercom.

"And Lucas." Lucas sighed.

Farkle let go of the buzzer.

"Come on up!" They heard Riley and Maya's voices. They were the only thing that was real to them in this world.

A few moments later, they knocked on the door. Riley opened it.

"Hey Farkle! Lucas, hello." She said in her "grown up" voice.

The world quickly fell in love with Riley Matthews. She was just a likable person. She was hilarious unintentionally. She was adorable and innocent for her age.

Maya was a different story. The world didn't accept her as much. There wasn't much the producers could do. They couldn't fire her. She didn't know what was going on behind the scenes. They let the matter rest for a while, and Maya really grew on everyone eventually.

The real scene stealer was Auggie. Auggie was easily the most adorable five year old in the world. He was very smart and witty. He was innocent and talented. He stole the show, even from Riley sometimes.

"Ready to go?" Lucas asked timidly.

"Yeah!" Riley said happily. Ever since Lucas had said that his moment would be his moment, she couldn't stop smiling.

The thing that was concealed from her was that Lucas was payed to say that. If she knew, her heart would break.

"Take on the world honey!" Cory yelled after her.

If only her world were real.

The four friends walked out the door and across the street onto the subway.

The extras loved their jobs. They enjoyed being hands on with the celebrities of the world. They often gawked at Riley and Maya. They couldn't believe how close they were to them.

They arrived at the school John Quincy Adams Middle School. Riley froze. The world practically gasped. Missy Bradford.

Riley wasn't one to hate people. But Missy? She was an exception. Missy was hard NOT to hate. She was stuck up, arrogant, prissy, and the thing that really made Riley angry was that Missy liked Lucas.

Missy was an actress. She really wasn't a nasty person. Peyton and Corey were even friends with her. Her real name was Olivia. She was a lovely girl and a wonderful actress. She was enjoyable to be around and very funny.

"Missy." Maya spat.

"Mia! Nice to see you!" Missy said.

"It's Maya. And it's never a pleasure." Maya shot back.

"Riley!" Missy exclaimed.

"Yes?" Riley groaned.

She would never admit it, but Missy scared her. She was very intimidating.

"That outfit... Is so so so last year." Missy spat.

She turned to Lucas.

"Lucas. You are looking hotter than ever. I might move to Texas just to see guys like you."

Lucas looked around uncomfortably.

Riley looked down.

Olivia was upset on the inside, but she had to keep on her Missy mask for a little while longer.

"And Farkle... You're still a loser." She said with venom. Even Farkle couldn't put on a nice spin on this.

The four friends walked away in shame. Peyton looked back at Olivia and smiled sadly. She waved a little.

They didn't know how long they could keep this from Riley and Maya.


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