Save the Princess

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Riley paced around her room nervously. She hoped that Maya would get the heart to heart conversation she always wanted with her father. She suddenly realized that her friends were dead. Farkle, the boy who adored her always no matter what, gone. Lucas, the love of her life was gone forever. She wept silently. Finally, after about thirty minutes, her father rushed into her room.

"Daddy!" Riley yelled wiping her tears. Her father looked panicked and urgent. "What's wrong?" She asked nervously.

"Maya... Is gone."

"That's insane. She probably just went out for ice cream or something with Shawn." She said offhandedly.

"No. She's gone." Her father said slowly.

"Read this."

Hello, Matthews family.

My name is Paul Smith. I have taken Maya to a place where you will never find her, so don't bother looking for her. She will be dead in four days. Your friend, Shawn was never with you at the hospital, or at all. He isn't even Maya's father. I was pretending to be him, so you would trust me. Riley will be next to die, then Auggie and so forth. You cannot escape me or the world around you. The clock is ticking.

Peyton had been watching the television show on his couch at home. His eyes widened. He had to save Riley, Maya, and their family. He got up and grabbed his coat. He didn't know where he was going, but knew what he had to do.

"Daddy?" Riley whispered. Cory looked at his daughter, his face full of despair. He sighed and hugged her tightly.

"Farkle?" Maya asked into the darkness the next morning. She had whispered his name into the darkness since Paul left. She was desperate. She needed him.

"Maya!" Farkle exclaimed, running frantically around the room.

"Shhh!" Maya warned. "Where am I?"

"I'm not exactly sure, but I can get our location in a few seconds."

"Farkle, I thought you were dead." Maya whispered as he pressed a few buttons on his phone.

"I am. But Corey isn't."

"Cory is at his apartment with his family." Maya said as if it was obvious.

"No. I am Corey. Corey Folgelmanis." Corey said slowly.

"Farkle, this is no time to be confusing." Maya warned.

"Maya I am serious. I am an actor in a television show about Riley, you, and Riley's family. Farkle is just a character."

"Character." Maya whispered. "That's what you meant a week or so ago, when you said you couldn't tell me why you would just be a character to me." Maya exclaimed in wonder.

"You are smarter than people give you credit for." Corey mumbled.

"Did you get a location yet?" Maya asked impatiently.

"We are under the Empire State Building." Corey said.

"Wow." Maya said. She realized suddenly that she was still tied to the bed. She blushed, hoping it was too dark to see her face. Corey noticed how awkward the situation was.

"I uh, would untie you, but then Paul would know and uh..."

"I know." Maya said quickly. "So are you anything like Farkle?" She asked awkwardly.

"Please, I just found our remote location using technology. What do you think?"

"You're a bit more sarcastic I see." Maya said smiling inward.

"Eh, you rub off on me." Corey said happily.

Suddenly footsteps were echoing down the hall.

"Hide!" Maya hissed. Corey ran behind a thick pole.

"Well, well, well. Another day gone." Paul said slickly as he slipped into the room. "Are you ready to cooperate?"

Maya weighed her options. She could do whatever he said and not get hurt, or stand her ground and be strong.

She was never one to back down. So, this was not an exception.

"It depends. Are you ready to accept the fact that you won't get me to do what you want?" Maya countered cunningly.

"You never learn Maya." Paul hissed.

He grabbed her hair and slapped her face.

Maya flinched, but didn't let the pain get to her. She bit his hand hard. Beads of blood appeared on his hand.

"You little bitch." Paul snarled. He got on top of her and dragged his fingernails down her neck enough to draw blood. Maya whimpered.

Corey peeked out from behind the pole. He saw the scene and rage boiled inside him. Paul had put Maya through hell. Corey had enough.

Paul began running his hands on Maya's chest.

"Stop it!" Maya cried. She had never felt so violated.

Slowly, Paul unbuttoned Maya's top one by one. Panicked, Maya started screaming at the top if her lungs.

"No one can hear you sweetheart."

"I can." Corey slipped out of the darkness and slammed a lead pipe into Paul's knee. Paul grunted and went to punch Corey's eye, but he was too quick. Corey pulled out a baseball bat from behind him.

"No no no." Corey jeered.

Paul's eyes widened. He scoffed "You wouldn't dare Corey. She doesn't love you. She never did. She never will." Corey's arms relaxed. He looked to Maya who was in tears. Her muffled screams rang in his ears.

"I DO!" She tried to scream. It came out as "MHPH!"

Corey's eyes showed defeat for a second. Then he realized that if he saved her, maybe she would love him.

"Why do you keep trying?" Paul jeered. "Just give up your little princess. She will die anyway. And you will die without her." Corey was becoming weaker. The images of Paul's words danced through his head. While he was distracted, Paul jumped up and pinned him to the ground. Corey spit in his eye and kicked his stomach. Paul was forced upwards and smacked into the corner. Corey raised the bat over his head.

"She might not love me, by that doesn't mean I don't care about her."

He brought The bat down into Paul's chest. Paul fell to the floor. While he was down, Corey smacked his back hard enough to make him unconscious.

"MAYA!" Corey yelled running over to the bed. He untied her hastily.

Maya has tears of despair and joy in her eyes.

"Th-thank you C-Corey." She whispered faintly.

"Let's go." Corey breathed as he hugged her. Paul clearly wasn't dead, but he was stirring. Corey lifted Maya up and carried her out the door. He made sure to step on Paul's back.

When they left Paul slowly regained consciousness. He sat up.

"They all must die."

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