Chapter 2: A kid?!

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The next morning

Error's P.O.V:

Ugh, I'm not ready to get up yet. Hm, I wonder what time it is. I check my phone to see that it is already 11:30 a.m. I guess I should start my day. Wait. Oh my lord. Ink was here last night. He said he wanted to ask me something and I was too tired to try and deal with him so I let him! Sh!t. What's worse is that he asked me questions that I was to tired to avoid so I answered hoping he would leave, BUT THEN I FELL ALSEEEP, WITH HIM HERE. "*sigh* At least he didn't kill me in my sleep. Nevermind, I don't think he would try to kill me, plus I wouldn't die anyway. Although,  I wouldn't be surprised if he kidnapped me to keep me from destroying his AUs." I said out loud to no one in particular. The multiverse is getting full again. Maybe I should check and see if there are any universes with any major code missing or messed up. I sat up and summoned my code screen, and start looking through the different codes to check if there was a universe with serious damage that would take way more time to fix. And sure enough, I found one, what's it's name? I continue to scratch through the universe's code until I find it. Breadtale huh? That has to be the stupidest idea I have ever heard. Like seriously Creator, you have the power to make universes and you choose to make one where everyone is made out of bread? Whatever, let's just get this over with. I open a portal to Breadtale and start destroying everything and killing everyone. I know that sounds sad, but leaving people alive when I destroy an AU leaves them in my Anti-Void, and then I have to deal with them trying to take revenge, so I end up getting blood in there, which looks creepy in an all white place. I finish killing everyone when I see Ink and his friends, Dream and Blue, jumping out of a puddle of ink. Yay, I have to deal with three of  them now. Why are the other two even here, normally they only hang up when the nightmare bastard and his gang try to destroy AUs. "Ughhhhh. WhAT tHe HelL d0 yOu wAnT N0w." I say annoyed. "We are here to stop you from destroying this AU!" Ink says, getting his brush out. I raised an eyebrow(?) to that. "wHy? TheY are AlL deaD anYwAYs." Ink looks stunned. "How? How could you just kill them like that and ACT LIKE IT WAS NOTHING?!" Ink says with one eye turned into a red target and the other in to a blue square. "AfTer dOinG tHis f0r oVer a CenTuRy, yoU leARn n0t to let iT aFfeCt y0U." I replied to him. Suddenly, I felt a new presence. A look of panic came on to my face. "Uh 0h." I then felt them jump on my back. "That's a lie." The person get themself comfortable in a piggy back position. "BLACK, d0N'T Y0u d@r3 fIni$H th@T Th0uGht." I said getting mad and my voice starts glitching out more."No, they should know the truth, it isn't fair that the creating bastard over their is making you suffer and doesn't even know it!"  Black say annoyed. "Wait. What do you mean? I not doing anything to him?" Ink says confused." Black. If I wanted him to know I would tell him. So I'm warning you now. Stop. He isn't doing anything wrong." I said in a deadly calm and unglitched voice. "Y-yes dad. Sorry, it just upsets me that you act like you're fine, when you're not." Black say dejected. I lean my head back so I'm touching his head. "*sigh* I-it's fIne, iF y0u w-waNt we cAn waTch a MovIe and y0u c-Can teLl me A-alL ab0ut you'Re tiMe witH uNclE G-genO. AftEr I finIsh deStorYinG thiS AU fiRsT, Th0uGh." I say calmer then before. He giggled a little at that. "Of course dad." Black said as he holds me tighter. The three star Sans are starring with there mouths open. Ink was the first to react."Y-you, HAVE A KID?!" Ink shouted. Black and I burst out laughing at his reaction." YeP, n0W g-g0OdbyE." I say with a giant grin on my face.Ink looked confused and said "What do you mean by goodbyeeeeeee" he says as he falls into a portal I made under them. Black and I had another laughing fit before I took out my code screen so I could delete this Universe's code and opened a portal and left with Black still on my back.

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