Chapter 9: Hanging out

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Ink's P.O.V:

I really hope Error wasn't lying about having trouble finding my crush when he isn't near me. Although, I am pretty curious who his crush is. He always seemed so closed off before. It wasn't until I actually tried to talk to him that I realized something. He was never closed off, he just didn't talk to you until you talked to him first. Ugggggh, I bet we could've been friends forever ago if I just manned up and talked to him. I mean, is that what we are now? Friends? I mean I have his number, and we talked about crushes. Does he consider us friends? I don't know if he considers me a friend but I know I consider him as one. A small smile grows on my face at the thought of us being friends. Then a blush grows on my face. I wish we were more, but the chances of me being his crush is highly unlikely. Right? Now that I think about it, why did he text me? I mean, he did say he has a lot of free time. Could he have been bored?

Maybe I should see if Dream is free to do something. I would normally hang out with Dream and Blue, but he said he is having a party to catch up with some of his old friends today, so I probably shouldn't bother him. I call Dream to see if he was free to hang for a bit. He was and we agreed to meet in FlowerFell in an hour to hang out for a bit. I decided to go there now and draw for a bit while I wait. I had finished drawing the field of flowers and was about to color it when I felt someone beside me. I look up to see Dream standing there. " Hey Ink, what's up. Did you need something?" He says with a smile. " No, I was bored and Blue is having a get together with old friends to catch up."  I say as I put my sketch book away. "Ahhh, makes since, why don't you just make another AU?" Dream asks curiously.
"Why? You don't want to hang out with me?"  I said acting sad. "N-NO, I was just curious is all. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound like I was trying to get rid of you or anything." Dream say panicking. I started laughing at him. He calmed down, realizing I was just messing with him." That was mean." He states pouting. "That was funny." I corrected. He just crosses his arms and rolls his eyes.

"So, any ideas on what to do or..." He's says trailing off.
" Not really. Do you have any ideas?" I asked with a raised eyebrow  (bonebrow). "We could head back to your place and play some video games or something. " Dreams say.
" Yeah, let's do that." I say as I take his hand and teleport him to my livingroom. We plugged in the gameing console and played random games for the rest of the day. Eventually we got tired so he left and I went to bed.

Time skip~ a week later

I wonder what Error is doing. We haven't talked to eachother since we found out that we both have a crush. I wonder if he ever tried to find out mine or just gave up. I'm gonna see if he wants to hang out today, maybe that will make things a little less awkward. Plus, I never really got a chance to ask all the questions I wanted to because I got distracted by his Haphephobia.(Correction got distracted, having Ink know about his Haphephobia.) I took out my phone to text Error.

- Hey Error? Are you
busy today, there are
still some questions I
didn't get the chance
to ask before.

Sure, I'm free.-
Plus, Black is with
his uncle today so
I'm pretty bonely

- pfft. That was a
Pretty bad joke.

I happen to disagree-

-Whatever, I'll be
over in a bit.

See you then-

A/N: Feel free to comment a question you would like Ink to ask Error, and if I can't fit it in next chapter, I'll have Ink ask in another chapter,  so feel free to ask even after I release the next chapter. This was more of a filler chapter to make an easier transition to what I want to do for the next episode so it was shorter then normal.

I hope you have a good day and goodbye.

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