Chapter 7: The "Date"

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Error P.O.V:

Ughhh, where am I? I look around to see I am back at the Anti-void. Huh, Black must of brought me back. Wait, didn't we agree to have dinner today? SHIT! "BL@CK, ₩HAT 7!ME AND WH3RE DID Y0U T3LL INK!" I shout, not knowing where he is. " 5 o'clock, at Chef's restaurant. It's 4:00 now, so you should start getting ready." Black tells me as he comes back. Great an hour. I should probably get showered and change into something that I wasn't fighting in. After a finished taking a shower, I changed into a red shirt, a dark blue jacket and plain black pants, I also put on my glasses since my contacts started to irritate my eyes after I 'slept' in them. It's now 4:50. "ArE y0u reAdY to gO?" I ask Black while walking back into the living room to grab my scarf."Yeah." I open a portal to right in front of the restaurant. Black and I walk through the portal as it shuts behind us." ThIs iS goInG to bE a l0nG daY, isN't iT?" I ask before I walk in. Black just smiles and shrugs as he walks into the restaurant, I jaut follow behind him, sulking."You know, If you didn't want to come, you shouldn't have asked him." Black stops and says, looking around for Ink." It'S n0t ThaT I doN'T wAnt tO, I juSt kNoW thErE aRe gOinG t0 bE a loT oF qUeTioNs I doN't waNt to AnsWeR." I tell him as I start walking towards Ink, who has yet to notice us."Hello, glad you could come Ink!" Black says, rushing past me to greet him. I just rolled my eyes at that. "Of course! Declining you would be rude, plus I have been wanting to get to know Error more. I mean we have been fighting for what? 20 years now? and in all this time, I only just found out he had a kid!" Ink says exasperated, moving his hands around like he was trying to tell a story. Oh my lord, the way he moves his hands around is cute. Wait. No. Error bad. Stop. I sit down next to Black, across from Ink. " QueStiOns fIrsT, oR fO0d fiRsT?" I ask Ink who looks like he was relieved I said something first." Uh, why don't we decide what to eat and I start asking questions while we wait for the waiter." Ink said grabbing a menu and opening it. I just nod and do the same. I decided on having the chicken CLUB Melt and a glass of coke. After we all decided on what we wanted, the waiter was already here so we told him our orders and he left.

"S-so, uh, how old are you Black?" Ink asks very awkwardly. Black and I gave eachother a look and turned back towards." I am a little under 50 years olds." Black says smiling. The look on Ink's face made us bust up laughing." H-how?! You look like a child no older than 10!" Ink says confused."HAHA, I only look like a child because I know dad prefers it when he wants to cuddle. He thinks it feels too much like lovers when I'm in my adult form so I stay in my child form. Plus it makes people underestimate me, easier to get away like that." Black explains. I feel a blush  grow on my face when he told Ink about the cuddling. It isn't my fault he's the only one who my Haphephobia doesn't react to. "HAHAHAH, so Error is a cuddler. That is definitely unexpected." Ink says, wiping a tear from his eye socket. "H-H3Y !TS N07 M¥ F@ULT IM 7OU€H DEPRIV3D!" I say loudly, with my face covered in a bright yellow blush."Awww, I'll give you a hug!" Ink says standing up."NO" Black and I both yell. "Why not?" Ink says cutely pouting. No. Ignore that. Now is not the time. " BlaCk cAn oNlY tOuCh mE bEcaUsE wE aRe cl0sE anD hE is Made Up pUrelY fRoM mY mAgIc. I haVe HaPhEphObiA, sO PeoPlE caN'T tOuCh mE." I explain hurriedly." Ohhh, why don't I try to help you then?" Ink offers with a smile. I just give him a confused and skeptical look."h0w?" I ask. "How about you hold out your hand, when you can't take anymore, just tell me and I will remove hand." Ink says with a gentle smile. I didn't really want to, but he is really hard to say no to, so I slowly slid my hand, palm up, towards him, with another blush growing on my face. Ink then placed his hand on mine, and my hand immediately started glitching out. I was starting to panic. I was to focused on keeping myself from crashing, I didn't realize I was crying. I then let go, not sure how much longer I would be able to take. My vision is now filled with 'ERRORS' so I can't really see anymore. I was still trembling." N07 @g@!n, p/3@$e." I say, having trouble keeping my voice understandable."Wow, I didn't realize it was that bad. Are you okay? Your hand even started to glitch through mine." Ink says worried. I pick up Black and set him on my lap. I hig him and bury myself into his shoulder." It's okay, that's better than before. The last time someone touched you, you immediately crashed, remember?" Black tells me, trying to make me feel better. I just nod in agreement. He just hugs me to help calm me down.
"S-s0Rry." I said, looking up to Ink, who I can now see, is very worried. " I guess that explains why your so cuddly." Ink says with a smile. I just glare and hide my face back into Black's shoulders." I love you, Dad." Black says. "I love you too." I reply, hugging him tighter. Of course our food had to arrive at this moment. So I removed Black from my lap so he could eat.

While we were eating, Ink asked some questions about myself, like, what's my favorite color, what is my favorite AU, Is Black my only family. I answered with, Black, Outertale, and I have two brothers. I ate slowly since I wasn't comfortable showing my tongues in public, so I was trying to be careful." Is the food okay? You are eating pretty slowly there." Ink asks while looking up at me."Pe-peOplE teNd to tHinK thE wAy I eaT iS gRosS, So I tRy to Eat dIfFerEnTlY iN fRoNt oF oTheR pEoPle." I say looking away embarrassed." Oh come on. It can't be that bad, I bet they were just over reacting." Ink says encouragingly and with a smile. "Please~ I like seeing you eat. I think it is very satisfying to see." Black say excited. I sigh in acceptance. I can I already tell I'm not getting out of this, so I lift the sandwich up to my mouth and grab it with my tongues, making it dissolve instantly. I then look away in embarrassment, knowing he is going to think it was disgusting."Woah. How many tongues do you have?!" Ink says excitedly. I wasn't expecting that. Damn him and his cuteness. I could feel my face heat up, so I hid it in my scarf." I haVe sIx ToNgUes." I reply looking back at him. I see his eyes changing from different shapes and colors. I start to state at them, watching as they change there shape every other second. I then notice they stopped at question marks."Ummm. Error, are you okay? Is there something on my face?" Ink asks confused. " Your eyes are pretty." I state. Still too entranced by his eyes to fully understand what I just told him. I then saw his eyes change to a heart and a swirl and I realize what I just said. The blush on both our faces were so bright and obvious that anyone in the room could see it. "S-soRry, YoUr eyEs weRe alWaYs oNe oF my FaVorIte thInGs abOuT yoU. I lIke sEeIng thEm chAnGe shApE anD cOlor." I admitted looking away from him. "Th-thanks, I liked watching you play with you strings I thought your control over them was very cool." Ink also admits." A-ah thAnKs, WeLl we sHoUlD pRoBablY leaVe, taLk to YoU laTer." I say while getting up. Black getting up up to follow me."WAIT!" Ink yells after me. "Can I have you number?" Ink asks, handing me his phone. "SuRe, I'm fReE alMoSt alWaYs, s0 tExt Me wheN eVer." I say, typing my number in."Okay! Talk to you later Error" Ink says smiling and waving. I open a portal and Black and I walk through. "UgGgGHhhHhh, thAt waS eXauStinG. I'm gOinG t0 BeD." I say as I flop down onto my bed." 'kay, good night." Black says. "GoOd niGhT." I reply tiredly.

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