Chapter 4: Crushes

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Error's P.O.V:

After we woke up around 11:30 a.m. I decided to start making pancakes for brunch. "Hey dad, can I help you make the pancakes?" Black asks now walking in to the kitchen area. "S-su-Re" I replied, to tired to try and keep my voice steady. "CaN yo-0u pUt soMe oiL I-in thE Pa-An." I add on, giving him something to do while I mix the batter. "Okay!" Black said as he walked over to a pantry and grabbed a bottle of canola oil. "How much do you want me to put in the pan?" He asked me while walking back to the stove. "JUst enOugH T-to c0-oVer the bOtt-Tom of thE paN." I reply, now finished with the batter and grabbing a lattle to scoop the batter onto the pan."Okay." Black replies, already starting to pour.

Time skip to after they finished becuase writing out every step is annoying.

We grab the plate of newly made pancakes, a bottle of syrup, and the container of butter and place them on the table, we then grab our plates and start grabbing pancakes and putting butter and syrup. I finished preparing my pancakes but I kind of stop and stare at it for a minute. "What's wrong?" Black asks looking over to me worrily. "U-uh noT-otHinG" I say, but don't make a move to eat. "Ohhhh, are you still self conscious about eating becuase of your tongues?" Black says, now understanding the problem." You KnoW, I hA-ate h0w You kNoW me So W-wEll." I say while looking away, a yellow blush of embarrassment now growing on my face." Just becuase I chose to keep the appearance of a kid, doesn't mean I am anymore. You know full well that you made me almost 50 years ago." Black says, pausing, but not finished," Plus, I have lived with you most of the time, you know full well that I don't care how you eat, you are my dad and I love you, even if it's fake."  Black says with a sad smile.I growled at that "Just because your soul is artificial, doesn't mean everything you feel is fake, your feeling are just as real as anyone else's." I say, clearly pissed off. "Haha, of course, thank you, I love you, dad." Black says with a smile."*sigh* I love you too, Black." I say and start to eat, still a little uncomfortable eating in front of someone, even if I know they don't have a problem with it.

" Sooo, what do you want to do today?" Black asks after we finished eating. " I wAs Thi-InkiNg wE coUlD V-iSit CLaSsic." I reply, putting my scarf on. "Sounds fun, let's go now!" Black says excitedly. I laughed a little at his reaction."OkaY, Aft-tEr y0u." I say while opening up a portal. Black just smiled and walked through.

I walked through the portal to see Black already on Classic's shoulders. "Hey ClAsSic, hO-ow HavE y0u beEn?" I ask after a close my portal. " I have been fine, the kid is currently doing a pacifist route, so I should be free to hang for a bit" Classic responds. "Great, it's been awhile since we have seen you, we have so much to catch up on!" Black says enthusiasticly. "WhY d0n'T we Go foR a WalK, Th-hAt waY We aReN't stUcK iN He-Rr." I say as I gesture towards the door. "Sure, Papyrus has been getting on me about being a lazyBONES anyways, Hahaha." Classic says as he laughs at his own joke."Pfft. That was bad. Haha" Black says giggling at the bad pun Classic made." I aGreE, Now WhY d0n'T We hEaD to tHe wa-WatErFall, wE caN taLk and c-CaTch Up ThEre." I say, opening the door." Okay, but let's try not to stay out for long, Blue invited me and some other Sans over for a sleepover tonight, and I push off packing until last min, hehe" Classic says with a nervous laugh at the end. Me and Black looked at eachother for a second before we started laughing." H-HEY, don't laugh at me." Classic says, pouting and crossing his arms."s-sorry, that just sounds so like you, Haha"  Black replies, hugging Classics head since he is still sitting on Classic's shoulders. Classic just smiles and walks out the. I shake my head and follow him, closing the door behind me.

"So, what juicy gossip is there from the multiverse?" Classic asks, slightly bouncing as he walks to make the ride gunner for the kid like skeleton on his shoulders."Well, yesterday I saw Ink about to attack dad for destroying another universe, and getting mad at him for not caring, but then I jumped on Dad's back and yelled at Dad for lying and then tried to go off on Ink for making Dad suffer, but then Dad got mad at me, because he refuses to tell Ink the truth." Black says, giving a brief explanation of what happened the day prior." I also think Dad has a crush on Ink." The little brat says teasingly with a smug smile. I spluttered at the accusation." ₩h-₩h@7?! N0, I D0 NO7!¡" I shout, with my voice glitching and my face a bright yellow, not helping to back up my statement. Classic burst out laughing "HAHAHA, The god of destruction dating the god of Creation. Oh my Asgar, I would pay to see that. Kid, you just gave me my new favorite ship." Classic says with a shit eating grin. Black has now started laughing as well." ¥0U 7₩0 @R3
!N$UFF€R@Bl3" I screech, hiding my head in my scarf and hood. They both kept laughing."oh~ you think that's funny" I said we a smug smirk now growing on my face. Black and Classic immediately stopped laughing.I smiled wider."So~ How are YOU and RED doing Classic~ have you gained enough backbone to ask him out yet~" I say. Classic immediately turned blue." N-no.Wait. HOW DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THAT" He yells, just now realizing I know his little crush. Me and Black start laughing." The ONLY person who doesn't know, is Red himself. You are so obvious, you are just lucky that Red is oblivious." Black says, now claimed down from his laughing fit. Classic blue blush became impossibly brighter, I think he even invented a new shade, I'm impressed." I-I doN'T ThiNk iTs lUcKy To HavE sUcH aN ObLIviOuS CrUsH. It mAkeS AsKinG ThEm Out 10 TiMEs HarDEr." I say with my voice glitching less than before."hmmm, I guess you have a point." Black says thoughtfully. Classic looks like he has given up and accepted his fate. That made me laugh some more."*sigh* We should probably head back so I can pack, want to help?" Classic says turning around." SuRe." I say, opening a portal to his room." AfTer y0u."I say, letting him go first and closing the portal behind me. "So how long are you staying for?" Black asks, finally getting off of Classic's shoulders."D0 yoU haVe PjS or d0 yOu jusT sleEp iN y0uR noRmaL cHlOthEs?" I ask him." I have PJs, but I'm normally too lazy to actually change, but I probably should when I'm at someone's house, so I'll grab those, Black, can you grab an outfit for me, no offense, but I don't trust your taste Error." Black broke out in a fit a goggles at that."That's probably a smart choice, Classic." Black says while walking to the closet." HEY! I haVe FiNe taStE, I juSt Don'T cArE enOuGh t0 usE iT." I say looking away in embarrassment."Don't worry, Dad, Classic doesn't seem to have much taste either. Do you even have any different outfits?" Black says, looking back over to Classic, as he took out his PJs, which looked a lot like his average outfit, but without the hoodie." It makes it easier to choose what to where, I can just grab something and go." Classic explains while putting the PJs in a bag. Black just sighed and shook his head. He grabbed an outfit and tossed it over it Classic. "Thanks, buddy!" Classic said smiling."No problem." Black says, smiling now too. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. We all jumped.

" Hold on a sec." Classic took a deep breathe and yelled." WHO IS IT?" I wince from the loud noise, and Classic smiled back apologetically." IT'S RED, I CAME TO SEE IF YOU WANTED TO HANG A BIT BEFORE THE SLEEPOVER!" Red yelled back, still downstairs and outside."SURE, COME IN, I'M IN MY ROOM WITH SOME OTHER FRIENDS." Clasic yelled again, hopefully for the last time.

Red then teleported onto the room."Yo,What's up, Classic and..."Red paused for a sec to see who else was there."OH! Error and mini Error, how have you been, you have visited me in a while."  Red said, surprised to see us here." YeAh, I knOw, BuT I knOw YoU GuYs arE cLoSE to thE neWeR SaNs, s0 I try nOt To coMe ovEr To muCh tO aDvoID ruNnInG inTo oNe oF theM and eNd uP dEstRoYinG HaLf yOur UniVerSe iN thE FigHt." I reply, feeling kind of bad for not visiting more often." Ahh, smart, but they dont visit me too often, it's Blue you really got to worry about. Plus, I know even if you did encounter them, neither of you guys would let my universe get destroyed." Red says reassuringly. "HmMmm, go0d poInt, I dOn'T haVe mUch tO do, s0 I'll coMe oVeR tO hanG oUt anOutHeR daY."I said while stretching, hearing some bones pop from not moving in a while."Good to hear, do you guys want to get something to eat and talk for a bit before me and Classic have to go?" Red asks the three of us. I shrug." Don'T haVe MuCh elSe tO d0." I say while heading over to Black and putting him on my shoulders."That sounds fun, we can hang at Grillby's for a bit." Classic says and we all nod in agreement 

After we ate and talked for an hour, it was time for them to leave so we said out goodbyes and created a portal for them since it's harder to create a portal to a different universe and I could tell Red was still exhausted from his trip here.He smiled at me gratefully and went through, with Classic following him. I shut the portal after I was sure they were through and created a new one to the anti-void. Black and I went through and decided to go to bed since we ate already and had nothing else to do.

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