Chapter 3: Not so Heartless

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Error's P.O.V

After we got through the portal I set Black down."H-h0w aboUt you PicK thE mOvIe and I-i maKe the p-p-p0pCorN." I said as I start heading to the stove. "Okay dad"  Black replied as he started walking over to the cabinet full of movies. "So~" Black started staying in a teasing tone. "Why don't you want Mr. Creator to know about why you destroy the AUs?" Black says after placing his chosen movie on the TV stand."*sigh* H-he sHouLdn'T wo-WorRy aB0ut stuFf likE tHat, plUs, If hE kNew ThE tR-TrUtH, thEn He mIghT sT0p MakiNg AUs." I say as I finish making the popcorn. Black looked confused now."But don't you want him to stop making AUs? I have seen how hard it is on you want you have to kill hundreds and then destroy their home just so that squid like creator can make more AUs. What's more, is he gets mad at you for doing it, LIKE YOU'RE THE BAD GUY HERE."  Black finishes his mini rant and looks at me with sadness in his eyes. " wHy aRe yoU UpsET, I dEciDeD to DeAl wiTh ThIs bEcUase I knOw InK iS a Go0d PerSon. AnD If tHEre ShOulDn't be aNy AUs cReaTeD Or destOrYed, TheN mE aNd InK wOUldn'T haVe bEen CrEaTeD in ThE FiRst pLacE." I explained to him as I summon a huge screen and play the movie he picked. Black looked sad when I told him that, but he should have already known this, so I'm not sure why." Yeah, I know, but it isn't fair that you are forced to murder countless people while he gets to bring life to countless people."  I look at him and concentrate
on my voice to make sure it doesn't glitch." You know very well that it wasn't always like this. Now I will admit, I was supposed to tell him, but I couldn't. The first time I met him he was so happy, we are supposed to be together and work side by side, but I could tell when I first met him. If I had told him the truth, he wouldn't have worked side by side with me, he would have stopped creating altogether, and that isn't fair to the potential AUs that could be created." I finish speaking and look over to Black, who now looks guilty." I know why you did it, I know you care for me, but you need to remember, I'm not some idiot who does things recklessly, although the same can't be said about the rainbow squid." I said laughing slightly at the end. Black laughed too, and the depressed aryan that had surrounded them had dissipated. "S0 whaT DiD yOu do aT yOuR uNclE's hOuSe f0R thE PaSt WeEk." I asked giving up on keeping my voice clear.

For the next half hour he told me about his time at my brother's. He told me about Reaper coming over and I got pissed." IF THAT SKELETON OF DEATH HURTS MY BROTHER I WILL MAKE HIM SUFFER AN ENTERITY OF PAIN!" I yell pissed off that the soul harvesting bastard was anywhere near my brother.

After that we made comments about the rest of the movie and what they should have done to make the movie better, it was a weird tradition we made after I got really upset over a particular AU I had to destroy. The movie has ended and Black is passed out so I decided to join him and fell asleep as well.

Ink P.O.V:

(After we fell through Error's portal)
"Ack! What the heck, what just happened?" I asked as I sat up and looked around. Dream, Blue, and I were right outside my house. "WHOA, DID HE JUST TELEPORT US AWAY! THAT TAKES SOME SERIOUS CONTROL TO CREATE A PORTAL IN THE EXACT PLACE YOU WANT IT TO WHEN YOU ARE NO WHERE NEAR IT!" Blue says in awe. "Yeah, how did he even manage that?" Dream also asks aloud." Um... I think the better question is, WHO WAS THAT KID?!" I shout. " He kind of looked like a kid version of Error, but without the error signs, blue lines one his face and his fingers were blue and yellow in stead of red and yellow." Dream said. "DIDN'T HE CALL ERROR, DAD?THAT WOULD EXPLAIN WHY THEY LOOK ALIKE." Blue says. "*gasp* WHO DO YOU THINK THE MOTHER IS?!" Blue asks excitedly. " That's a good question, after all, I don't see many people being able to put up with Error's B.S."Dream says, laughing a little at the end. "Okay, but more importantly, what was the kid talking about that Error didn't want me finding out?" I ask with question marks in his eyes." I mean, he's just a kid, he probably didn't know something correctly and Error was trying to keep him from looking stupid." Dream says. "I don't think that's it. I think that kid knows about why Error does what he does, and that's why Error stopped him." Blue said in an unusually calm voice. " That makes sense, if he really is Error's kid then there is a chance he knows a lot more about Error then we do, plus Error seemed panicked, like his biggest secret was about to be revealed." I said in an unsure voice."hmm, I mean you aren't wrong, he was emitting quite a bit of fear, but I figured that was becuase someone he cares a lot about just showed up in front of his biggest enemy." Dream states." I could always try going back to the anti-void again and ask him." I suggest. "Are you sure that's a good idea, he might be a little more hostile with his kid there. Afterall, I know I wouldn't want someone who I battle with anywhere near my child." Dream states reasonably." I AGREE WITH DREAM, PARENTS CAN BE REALLY PROTECTIVE OVER THEIR CHILDREN, IT MIGHT NOT BE THE BEST IDEA." Blue says, his voice back to normal, well HIS normal." Well yeah, but wouldn't he want to hurt me less so his child doesn't have to see, I mean, I know I wouldn't want my child to watch as I hurt someone?" I said."Under normal circumstances maybe, but remember, we are talking about Error, he is a mass murder and AU destroyer." Dream replies, and I think I see Blue flinch." I mean, I guess you're right. I guess I'll just wait until I see him again and try to ask him then." I said slightly sad I have to wait for who knows how long to ask him more questions. Plus he might run off like he normally does. I think the only reason he agreed before was because he was tired."Okay, well bye guys, I talk to you later." I say as I start walking inside. "Bye." Dream says and leaves." DON'T FORGET ABOUT THE SLEEPOVER TOMMOROW." Blue says while also walking away."OKAY!"I shout back." I then walk inside and start making dinner with a million questions in my head. Who was that kid? Was he Error's kid and if so, with who? What was he going to tell me before Error stopped him? What did Error mean before when he said he destroyed AUs becuase it was his job?
I decided I would confront Error the next time I saw him instead of trying to figure it out on my own. I guess I'll just go to bed Early.

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