Chapter 13: Traitors

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Nightmare's P.O.V:

Damn it! We are barely alive, and I doubt any of us could fight anytime soon. " What the hell was that! The kid was knocked out and the next thing I know. He grew into a 7 foot monster and I was being torn apart!" Dust said, pissed. He was wrapping up all of his wounds so he didn't die a second time. Killer was barely conscious, but he was trying to fix himself up. I would of helped him, but I was too busy trying to fix my own wounds. "That was a crappy plan." Killer says drunkenly, trying to make conversation so he doesn't pass out.
" No it wasn't, it would have worked fine for anyone else. I just didn't plan for his kid to be that strong." I said annoyed. I was the least healed when Error revived us, so I am stuck in my passive form as well. Dust snorted at my reply." Oh sorry, let me correct him. That was a horribly thought out plan. Better?" Dust said with sass. I glared at him. "No." I said annoyed. " Didn't we pump him full of magic suppressants? Does that me the kid kicked our asses not only by himself, but with raw strength." Killer says confused. He seems to be a little more awake now. "Damn, maybe we should've convinced the kid to join us instead. With that kind of strength, he is probably stronger than Error." Dust say semi sarcasticly. My head shot up. "That's actually not a bad idea. Plus, if we can convince the kid to join, then he might be able to convince Error as well." I said. Dust and Killer looked at me like as was stupid. "You do realize we had just tried to kidnap him right? Who in their right mind would want to join their kidnappers?" Killed asks, not actually wanting an answer. I didn't think if that. I looked away and continued to fix my wounds.

"So we ain't saying nothin' about the traitors?" Dust asked. Oh, I had actually forgotten about them. I suddenly got mad. "They knew how strong the brat was and didn't warn us, not only that, but they went to Error. Those peices of shit were probably spies." I said extremely pissed. Dust seemed to be lost in thought for a second. " If they are friends with Error, then why don't we kidnap them to get information." Dust said after a minutes of silence. I thought about it for a second. "That... isn't a bad idea. I guess I should start planning their capture then." I said. We all went back to tended to our wounds.

Little did we know. That was a really bad idea.

Ink's P.O.V:

"Well, that was something." I said after Error and Black left. I hear someone snort. "If I had known if was Black that was kidnapped, then I would've brought my phone to take a video of Nightmare's gang getting their asses handed to them." Red says in a slightly disappointed tone. Classic just shrugged. " I'd say they got lucky considering what Error did to the last people who touched his kid." Classic says in a bored tone. " I WONDER IF HE EVER LET THEM GO." Blue says.
" Yeah, I saw Error throw them into the void in my universe and then tell Black about some of the constellations." Outer said. I shivered at the thought. The void is a very painful death. One where you are constantly torn apart and put back together again until your completely deleted from the multiverse. " Wait, you mean this has happened before." Dream says. " YEP, ALTHOUGH IT WAS AROUND WHEN BLACK WAS FIRST CREATED, SO HE WASN'T AS STRONG AND ERROR WAS MUCH MORE PROTECTIVE." Blue told dream. "The dumb fucks actually thought I would help their asses too. I might not like living through genocide runs, but I wasn't going to go out of my way to get murdered." Raspberry said. ( At least I believe the is SwapFell's name, and if it's not, that's what he is being called in my book.) "I never knew Error had a kid." FlowerFell said. ( I don't know his name.) "Same, although I am curious to know how Error had a child" Sci said. " He said he created him using his magic." I told him. " oh? I didn't know Error could create something." Sci says curiously. Red, Classic, Blue, Raspberry, and Outer all looked at eachother knowingly before laughing. " You have no idea." Classic says mysteriously. " Has he created other things?" I ask confused. " You could say that." Red says laughing some more. I just stand there confused. "Well, I guess we should leave now." I said awkwardly. Everyone agreed and left. I guess I talk to Error later.

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