Chapter 10: Answers

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Error's P.O.V:

Why did I agree to that? Answering any of Ink's questions can be hard for me, but without Black? I just have to hope he doesn't ask anything too serious.

I suddenly felt someone grab my shoulders. BEEP.  I crashed. Well, I guess I should hurry up and reboot. I took about 5 minutes to reboot. I actually wanted to this time, so it took a lot less time then the last time I crashed. "UggGhhH. WhAt thE heLl." I say as I open my eyes back up. Ink was right in my face. "AAaaAAaAHHhhhHhH." I yelled while stumbling backwards. "Pfft. Hahaha. Sorry Error. You scared me when you crashed like that. Although that was probably my fault for grabbing you and startling you." Ink says apologetically. "NooOOo0o, reAllY?" I ask sarcastically. Ink blushed embarrassed. "S-sorry." Ink apologized. "*sigh* It'S finE, I As loNg aS iT doEsN't haPpEn aGaiN." I say while stretching and popping some of my bones. Ink cringed at the sound.I smirked and cracked my knuckles. "stooooop, my eyes can't take it." Ink says while covering his ears. I just laughed at him. "So, Is TheRe anYwhEre y0u woUlD lIke To g0? I knOw yOu haTe thE AnTi-vOid." I tell him, giving him a knowing look when he was about to deny it. "Ok, fine you're right. Can we go to Outertale?" Ink asks defeatedly. " SuRe. I'lL meEt You TheRe. " I said right before I teleported. After a minute Ink showed up." WhAt t0ok You sO loNg." I said with a smirk. Ink looked unamused.
" I had to teleport here and then find your magic signature, and then teleport to you." Ink says annoyed. I just smirked and sat down."I'm glad you found my suffering amusing." Ink said with a smile, also sitting down." Go0d, beCuaSe iT waS vEry EntErAIninG." I replied. Ink just rolled his eyes. "AnYwAy, TheRe wIll bE qUesTionS I dOn'T waNt tO AnsWer, sO I suGgeSt yoU dOn'T puSh mE iF I sAy nO, eSpeCiaLlY siNce BlaCk Isn'T hEre." I told him seriously. "Okay, first question then. Why does it matter if Black is here?" Ink asked looking confused. "I maDe BlAcK wHenI wAs hAvIng TroUblE keEpinG mY sAniTy. I haD mY bRotHers, BuT I dOn'T taLk to TheM mUch, So tHey WerE sImPly DelAyInG mY faLl. CrEatIng BlacK kEpt mE grOunDed, And GavE mE soMetHinG t0 do BesiDeS my WoRk. To puT it SimPly, wiThoUt Black, I woUld ProBabLy giVe Up anD deStoRy thE MulTiVersE. PluS, bEinG thE oNlY 0ne I CaN touCh, he CaLms Me doWn." I said giving him the very long and complicated answer. "I think you answered more of my other question than the one I asked, but whatever, I was going to ask why you created him next anyways, so that works." Ink says looking at the stars. " What do you mean by you destroy AUs because it's your job?" Inm asks after stay silent for a moment. Damn it. I was hoping he would wait longer. Oh well, technically I was supposed to tell him everything when he became the Creator." *sigh* Do you know why you create Ink? Or do you just do it because it's what you feel like it's what you should be doing." I ask Ink, sitting up and looking him dead in the eyesockets." Wh-what I should be doing I guess, why?" Ink says looking nervous. "Ugh, this is my fault for procrastinating, I was supposed to fill you in when you were made the Creator. I'm not ready to tell you yet, I would prefer to have Black with me, but I might be able to tell you later." I say, advoiding eye contact. "Okay, that's fine. I heard about someone named code awhile back, but I don't recall meeting anyone with that name before. I figured you would know." I tensed up as he said this. SHIT. Ink noticed me freeze. " Um, Error, what's wrong? Are they bad or something?" Ink asks worrilyed. "No, they aren't, but they aren't exactly around anymore, so don't worry about it." I try to say as relaxed as possible, but keeping my voice from glitching so he knew to not dive farther into the subject. " Ummm, okay? I found out that there were AUs and stuff from before I was made, and you also made a comment about living for a century, so I was wondering, was there a Creator before me, if so what happened to them. I asked Classic but he said he couldn't talk about it because of a promise everyone made, so I figured if anyone would talk, it would be you."  Ink says. I'm not sure I'm ready for him to know yet. " Um, well, not exactly. There was someone creating but they weren't a creator. They were having a bit of trouble so you replaced them." I answered, trying to be as vague as possible. Ink looked a little frustrated. " Fine, how about you tell me how you know everything about everyone." Ink says crossing his arms. I smirked at this and relaxed." A mAgIciAn nEveR reVeAls His SerEcts."  I said. Ink looked ready to punch me. Then he smirked and leaned in real close. " How about I tell you who my crush is then~." He said sudectively. I blushed a bright yellow. Oh god I love his voice. Damn it Error calm down, he could just he messing with you. What if-. My train of thought suddenly cut off by Ink kissing me. I immediately crashed. I was to shocked to even try and reboot, so it was going really slowly. Ink then smirked and picked me up and went through a portal. OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT. Was all I could think. I knew it! He was just messing with me so he could capture me. When we came out of the portal, we were in my anti-void. Wait, what? Ink set me down on my bed and left. I could only think one thing.


(A/N Happy New Years! As a reward for surviving this crappy ass year. I give you Ink kissing Error.)

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