Chapter 8: The old AUs party

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Error's P.O.V:

I woke up with something on my face. Oh, I guess I was too tired to remember to take my glasses off last night. I decided to check my phone for the time. It was 4:32 a.m. Huh, I guess old sleeping habits die hard, maybe I should try getting more sleep so Black doesn't worry. Nah, one night with less sleep shouldn't be too bad, plus I get nightmares when I go back to sleep. I might as well binge watch DramaTale. I pull up a screen and look for DramaTale's coding. I found it and started watching it. DramaTale was a universe I had created when I heard about someone replacing my work as a creator. I knew I was going to have more free time on my hands, so I created a world that is basically a live TV show.

After watching for a few hours I got a text from Blue.

' I am haveing a party today at 12 p.m. for some of the old AUs to catch up. Feel free to invite anyone that you created, or just give me a list and I'll invite them for you.'

'I'll be there and I would rather give you a list.
Classic(not an AU but was still there.)
Black(same with Classic)
That's it, see you in a few hours'

'Okay! Thanks.'

(I was going to include Outer but I wasn't sure what his personality is like, so I decided against it.)

I check the time to see how long I have until I need to leave. It's currently 9:00, damn, I guess I was more into watching that than I thought. I'm going to get ready, if Black isn't awake by the time I'm done, I'll wake him up and see if he wants to go out for breakfast. I take half an hour to get ready and I decided to where my glasses again. ( I picture him wearing something like in the cover, but feel free to use your imagination, you could even pretend that he's in a dress for all I care.) I walk over to Black's bed and wake him up "whaaaat I'm sleeping here." Black grumbles turning around." BlUe InvItEd Us tO a ParTy with SomE of The sAnsEs fr0m beForE iNk cAmE." I tell him."Ugh, fiiiiine, but I want the breakfast combo from Grillby's." He says finally getting out of bed. "SuRe, We caN g0 To thE oNe iN UndErSWap So wE cAn Head RiGht ovEr tHEre WheN wE ArE dOne." I state as I start heading towards the living room.
"WHEN WE GET BACK YOU ARE BUILDING AN ACTUAL HOUSE, DAMN IT!" Black yells from his 'room'. "F!N3. BU7 ¥0UR H3LPING ME." I yell back towards him."FINE." He yells back. Sheesh, maybe it's better he stays in a kid body, afterall, he definitely still acts like a child. Then again, he never had a reason to grow up, even now, I still leave him with people when I leave, even though he is fully capable to be here alone, or even just leave. There is nothing stopping him from leaving.I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didnt realize I had started crying. Nor did I realize that Black had finished and had come into the room, now starring at me worriedly. "Hey dad, you okay? You're crying." Black asks me."Y-yeAh, I wAs juSt Lost In tHouGht." I said while wiping my face free from tears." LeT's Get goInG t0 GrIlLbY's." I say while standing up. I made a portal and gestured for Black to go through. He took the hint and went through, with me behind him. I closed the portal and we walked into Grillby's and sat at a table by a window.(I don't know what the opposite of a bar is, so now it's a café.) We both ordered breakfast combos and talked about random things until it was 12 o'clock. We had finished and paid awhile back, so we just left and teleported right outside of Blue's house.

I knocked on the door, waiting for a response."COME IN" Blue yelled from inside.Black opened the door and I followed him in, closing it behind me. I see Classic and Red talking in the kitchen with Blue making tacos. Horror is on his phone, and Lust is talking to Geno and Fresh. I decide to walk over to them. "So, dId eVerYonE aGreE to CoMe?" I ask looking around. " of course, broski, that would be totes unrad to ignore spending time with ya. We rarely see ya anymore broski." Fresh says as he gives me a side hug. "0fF, Pl3aSe." I say, trying not to glitch too bad. "Ah, my bad broski, that was totes uncool of me." He says as he quickly let go." No, It'S fInE, I misSeD y0u toO." I reply looking away. "Aww, thanks Bro." Fresh says happily and returns to his conversation with Lust and Geno. I just rolled my eyes and continued to look around, by the looks of it, everyone got here before us. I go to sit down on the couch, leaving Black to do whatever he wants." Hey~, what happened the other day? Black and I were chilling when the kid started laughing and said he had to go because you got yourself in a sticky situation." Horror asks sitting down on the other end of the couch." Ugghhh, I fOrGot. I Was fIgHtiNg InK aNd he wAs doInG hOrRibLy, bEcUaSe hE wAs AskIng Me AlL thEse qUeStIons. I sTartEd to GeT AnnOyEd, sO I tolD hIm thAt If hE waS thAt curIoUs, we CoulD gEt diNneR whIle I ansWeR sOme oF hiS quEsti0ns, AnD then rEplieD wIth,'It's a date!', sO I craShed." I explain what had happened the day prior."ahhhhhh, so you crashed becuase you got yourself a date with your crush~." He says teasingly. I blushed and looked away."n-no." I responded weakly." HAHAHAHAH, You don't sound to sure there." Horror says laughing."ugGhhH, scReW y0u." I say glaring at him."Nahhh, save that for Ink." He replies with a shit eating grin on his face. I blush a bright yellow and glare at him. He just started laughing more. I took out my phone, not sure what to do. I remembered that I gave Ink my number last night, and decided to look for his number in his profile code. I took out my screen and started looking for it, after a couple of minutes I found it. I type it in my phone and text him

-What's up?

I texted him, not really expecting a reply any time soon. I look over to see that Lust and Horror are now talking~ I smirked, I guess he finished talking to my bros and decide to talk to his crush~. "Oh Horror~, I think it's time for a little payback for earlier don't YOU?" I say looking over to Horror, keeping my voice from glitching so he knew I was serious. He looked terrified." You. Wouldn't. DARE!" He says back, glaring now. My smirk turned to a full on grin.
" Are you willing to test that out~." I say back. Lust looked confused.
"~Whatcha two talking about~" Lust asks." NOTHING!" Horror yells hurriedly, glaring at me. "Don'T woRry abOut iT, I was JusT gEtTinG baCk aT hIm foR s0mEthIng He DiD eArlIer." I say, Lust just shrugs and him and Horror continue their conversation. I felt my phone buzz so I took it out to check. Ink had texted me back.

Oh hey Error-
How did you get my

-There is very little
I can't find out, most
people know not to try
and lie to me and
don't question it.

Oh? Wdym?-

-for ex. Horror was
teasing me about my
crush earlier, I got
back at him by teasing
about his, he never
told me, and he didn't
question how I knew.

Then do you know
whon my crush is?

-No, I always figured
you were too caught
up in work to think
about dating somebody,
so I never bothered to
check, I'm curious now

I would prefer you dont
use some magic trick to
figure out who I like

- Don't worry, it's a lot
more difficult when
you aren't here, I
would have to actively
search through tons of
files just to find yours.


- Don't worry about it.

Um, ok.-
Wait. I just backread.

-Uh, no? BYE.

I then paniced and turned my phone off. He isn't going to forget about it. I should prepare myself now for when he questions me the next time we see eachother.

A/N I know that this didn't have much about the party, but I was really just trying to let you know a couple of the ships and a few AUs that were made by Error, I will explain more about this in future chapters and goodbye.

Just Doing My Job (Errink)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon