Chapter 15: Explanations

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Error P.O.V:
I woke up feeling something heavy on me and started to panic. I started glitching heavily. I heard a groan on top of me. "*yawn* What time is it?" I hear Ink ask. I try to calm myself down now that I remember what happened last night, but I can't. Ink see me panicking and gets up. "Omg, Error are you okay?" Ink asked me panicked. I put my hand up as a signal to wait as I calm myself down. After about five minutes I was calmed down enough to talk. "YeAh, SorRy, YoU hAd fAlLeN asLeEp on Me sO I tOoK yOu h0mE wiTh mE. I fOrGot wHeN I wOke Up anD paNicKed." I explained to him. He breathed a sigh of relief and smiled. "Thanks, you had me worried there for a second." Ink said happily.

I yawned and checked the time. "And t0 aNsWer YoUr quEsTioN, iT's 10:17 a.m." I tell him while putting my screen away. Ink looked at me in awe. I look back at him confused. "YoU oKaY?" I ask him, slightly concerned. He looked really excited." What was that, I have never seen you use it before!" Ink said while practically jumping up and down. I keep myself from laughing at his silliness to explain. " ProBablY bEcUasE tHe OnlY mAgiC yoU noRmAlLy sEe iS mY ofFeNsiVe mAgIc. It iS bAsiCalLy a PoRtaBlE cOmPuTeR." I vaguely explain. "That's so cool! I bet you could do a lot with those." Ink says, now he really is jumping up and down. I laughed slightly from his silliness. "YeS, TheY aRe VeRy UsEfUl, eSpEciAllY oN mOvIe nIgHt." I tell him. He laughs a little at that statement.

He then starts to look around. "O-oh, wow, I forgot how white it is h-here."Ink says shaking a bit. I look at him confused before I remembered something. Shit! I forgot he has a fear of white and bland spaces. I quickly pull up multiple screens and start to look at some house designs I already had stored. I quickly found the one the matches the layout I already had and everything around us starts glitching as it's being created. Ink starts freaking out. "What's happening!" He says worriedly. I mentally face palm. I should has warned him first. "CalM dOwn I hAd foRgOtTeN abOut yOur FeAr oF whItE, sO I quIcKly AdDed iN aNd aLreAdy MaDe deSigN I haD AlrEadY." I explain to him as the house is almost finished. He calmed down at that and then look shocked. "Wait, how did you know about that?!" Ink asked surprised. I look at him like he's stupid. "SeriOusLy? I dOn'T thInk thEre iS somEtHinG I doN'T knOw abOuT you, I prObaBly kNoW mOrE abOut YoU thAn You KnOw abOuT yOu." I tell him. He looked at me worriedly. "You do realize how stalkerish that sounds right?" Ink asks he. I blush unable to say anything.

Ink thinks for a minute before a look of realization dawns on him. "W-wait, so y-you know a-about my s-soul?" Ink asks afraid. I raise an eyebrow. YeAh, wHat abOuT iT?" I ask him confused. Ink starts breathing heavily, starting to have a panic attack. I get up an rush to him. "WhOa whaT's thE maTtEr?!" I ask while hugging him and rubbing his spine. I feel him start to relax, but he is crying now. " i-if you kn-know *hick* then wh-why d-do you wa-ant t-to *hick* be with m-me. Th-the only thing I c-can feel are*hick* f-fake emo-emotions from pa-paint because I'm ju-jsut a soulless mo-monster." Ink says while crying and hiccuping. I pick him up and take him to the bed to lay him on my lap. I make sure I'm not glitching before I speak. "Ink, as the creator of those vials, I can guarantee you they aren't fake emotions, nor are you soulless." I tell him. I felt him freeze up. "What? What do you mean by thier creator, and if they don't give me emotions, then what do they do and what do you mean I'm not soulless, I literally don't have a soul." Ink says rambling slightly. I put my hand over his mouth and look him in the eyes (or eye sockets).

" Ink I will answer you questions one at a time starting with the first one. Number one, I meant just that, I was the one who created you paint vials. Number two, they are emotion enhancers, they don't give you emotions, they take they emotions you already have and amplify them so they are feelable." I pause there, letting that information sink in before taking a deep breathe. "Are you sure you want to hear the answer to your last question, because it isn't a pleasant story." I look at him. He looks hesitant for a second before determination shined in his eyes. "Yes, I would like to know about my soul." He said confidently. Although I could tell he was still a little worried.

I take a deep breath and begin. " Well, being a creator is a very hard job, becuase you aren't allowed to mess with timelines, and that gets hard as you watch different people get killed over and over again." Ink looks annoyed. " I know that, now where does my soul come in play." He said getting impatient. I glare at him to shut up and he looks away in shame. "Anyways, you were created because the deities thought that the last creator needed someone to help him, since he was doing two very mentally taxing jobs by himself. Well, when you were created, you started to create a lot, so that creator couldn't really create anything, so he focused on he second job. You kept trying to create a perfect timeline and kept failing, and you had to watch as your creations would crumble and die, or you would have to watch as they lost their friends and family through genocide runs." I stop to let him think about what I said. He waited a minute before speaking up.
" I don't remember that, and what was the other creators other job that he did instead of creating AUs like I did?" Ink asked. I smiled slightly. " I know you don't remember, if you did, I wouldn't be telling you this, and I'll tell you at the end of the story if you haven't figured it out." I told Ink. He seemed to pout slightly but I ignored it and continued on with the story.

" The other creator decided that since they weren't needed as a creator anymore, that they would change their name and look. The deities wanted the old creator to talk to you and explain everything, but the old creator disagreed, he figured that you were doing fine and as long as the old creator kept up his other job, you would be fine. Of course, the old created still kept an eye on you, but he made sure to never show himself. He watched sadly as you slowly started to get sadder and sadder as the days went on, and eventually, you broke." I paused again to let my words sink in. " What happened next?" Ink asked nervously. I smiled sadly.

" The old creator watched in horror as you tried to kill yourself by tearing your soul apart. After it went back together, you got angry and even sadder. You kept tearing it up. Over and over one over until eventually it gave up returning as a whole." I said sadly. Ink was trying to stifle his sobs and I had tears running down my face. I took a deep breath before continuing. " The old creator felt guilty for not doing anything, but he didn't know what to do, so he watched the new creator just lay there unconscious in a puddle of Ink. The skeleton's body absorbed the soul pieces and you had no memory of what happened when you woke up." I finished saying. I take his hand and roll up his sleeve, tracing over the black marking that twisted and turned all over his body, almost seeming alive.

I looked Ink in the eyes and decided to ask him something." So Ink, who do you think the old creator is and what do you think his other job was?" I ask him curiously. He seemed to snap out of his shock. " I, um, I'm not sure?" Ink said confused. I smiled at him sadly. "It was me, although I wasn't called a creator or god of creation." I said. Ink looked at me shocked." Really?! Wait, then what were you called?" Ink asked curiously. I smiled and said. " I was called the god of Balance and my job was to create and destroy AUs to make sure the multiverse didn't collapse." I said. Ink looked at me shocked.

His shocked was then cover by confusion. "Why did you stop creating?" Ink said in a partially sad voice. "I told you didn't I? You were already creating too much, there wasn't room for me to create, I had my hands full destroying crumbling AUs and AUs the were close to colliding. Although the multiverse is big, it's not infinite, plus you were pretty bad at making them, so their codes were incredibly unstable." I explain to him. He look shocked and then determined again.

"I won't create anymore then, that way, you won't have to destroy." Ink said. I shake my head at him and he pauses for a second confused. "That's why I tried to hold off on telling you, becuase I didn't want you to stop, creation and destruction are a huge and important Balance, we are made to control it. If we just suddenly stop, the AUs will still die out on their own and with no one to replace it or to keep it from destroying other AUs, there would be a chain a AUs falling, and if you're unlucky, then there is a chance it could hit the original timeline and the whil multiverse would collapse and everyone would die." I tell him. Ink looks down, slightly dejected. I sigh and pull him into my chest, hugging him. " I guess I can understand now why you wouldn't tell me before." Ink says sadly. He reminds me of a sad puppy. I laugh a little at the thought.

"WhY doN't wE gO ouT fOr lUncH?" I said, letting my glitches return now that we are down talking about the serious stuff. Ink laughs a little, probably noticing my attempt to cheer him up. "That sounds like a great idea." Ink says snuggling a little farther into my chest. I started to glitch some more, but they stopped soon after. It's a good thing a sent Black to hang out with his uncles after the incident.

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