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Those who were familiar with the Union were still a bit anxious about Rebecca Na. In fact, they didn't even bother to be scared of other bullies. Some students though, assured others that she was completely harmless. Not to mention, a little clueless as well. But that didn't stop the rumors from spreading.

Did she already join the Union? Was she a part of it before she attended Eunjang? Some even mentioned seeing her beat up a few people the other day. 

While Rebecca was flipping through her notebook, two students in front of her whispered to each other while glaring at her.

"Gee, I still can't get enough of how she looks exactly like him, except for the fact that she's a girl."

"Yeah, the mere sight of her just pisses me off."

"Do you think she can fight?"

"Well, people have talked about how she punched Harper's head. I quote, 'Her fist was almost like pure wood.'"

One of the students inspected her small knuckles, "Nah, I doubt it. Even I could probably pick a good fight with her."

'Crap! I forgot what cos is!' Rebecca panicked. "Excuse me?" she interruped the two students' in from of her.

"Uhh..." They both looked at each other confused. "Can we-"

"Sorry for interrupting but is cos adjacent over hypotenuse or hypotenuse over adjacent?" They were both silent for a moment. Rebecca was desperately waiting for answer. "It's okay if you don't know!"

"It's adjacent over hypotenuse," a monotone voice said behind them.

Rebecca turned around and saw a skinny boy with 'grey hair and purple snake eyes.' Teddy's voice echoed in her head. He, Rowan, and Eugene described every person in the group earlier when they were walking to school.

"Thank god!" Rebecca placed her hand on her chest. "I knew it!" When she looked back, a shadow lingered over Gray's eyes, but his eyes themselves seemed like they were glowing. He was definitely upset about something. Has he had that look the whole time?

Rebecca waved her hand, "Hello? Gray? Are you okay?"

It was then she realized Gray wasn't looking at her. She turned back at those two students who were sunken deep in their chairs, as if they were convinced they could camouflage into the smooth polished wood. Unfortunately, she wasn't able to question any further. The door slid open and hit the wall so hard it must've left some sort of mark.

"Sorry kids! Traffic was held up due to a bunch of junkies fighting." He was panting and sweat stuck to his collar. The wet spots under his armpits were so large you could even see them with his arms down. "Don't fight kids. Violence is never the answer." He pointed his finger at his students. "And don't do drugs."

Some kids, including Rebecca and Stephenie, chuckled. But those two specific students held their heads down in embarrassment.

After the time for taking the test was up, Rebecca finally had the chance to ask Gray about it earlier. She has never seen anyone look that chilling since...since Donald.

I'm sure you might've noticed chapters 11 and 12 lack a lot of action. But don't worry. There's a lot more coming up.

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