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The metal door squeaked open and closed with a loud clang! 

Rebecca didn't need to check to see who it was. She knew it was Gray. The tension was thick and heavy, as if a fight might erupt if you even whisper one wrong word. Gray sat down next to her on the couch, but refused to look her in the eye.

"Are you ready?" he gulped.

Stephenie was unresponsive for a moment, and then took the courage to nod.

Gray took her hand, startling her. "On the last year of middle school was when I met your brother. He was smart in all ways possible. Not just book smart." He tightened his grip. "He treated school like a playground. If he wanted to score top, he scored top. If he wanted to score poorly, he scored poorly."

"Gray," Stephenie said deeply. "Even though I didn't spend my whole life with him, I knew Stephen very well. Please fast forward to the point."

Gray nodded. "Right, sorry. Anyway, at that time, I was lonely. I had no friends and no talent. The only subject I was good at was getting high marks on my exams and homework. But when Stephen entered my life, everything changed."

And there he spilled. He told every ounce of detail about Stephen's loyalty, their encounter with Bryce Oh, how he changed him, and the outcome of everything. This time, it was Stephenie gripping Gray's hand tighter and tighter. In fact, they were both squeezing just as much. At the end of the story, Stephenie excused herself out for some air. Gray leaned back on the couch cushion and closed his eyes. 

'I know exactly how you feel, Steph. Stephen, I'm sorry for not taking action.' He pulled his arms in and wrapped them around his shoulders. 'Oh, how I would give to see you today and introduce you to the friends I've made. You'd be so proud me,' he chuckled to himself.

Suddenly, the metal door clashed open, causing Gray to almost fall off the couch.



In Gerard's arms was Rebecca. Her breathing was raspy, uneasy, and heavy. Her chest heaved up and down. Her fingers pale and cold, bundled close to her heart. Tears endlessly spilled from her eyes like a raging waterfall. 

'How could I not have heard her?' Gray thought.

"Gray, what do I do? I found her on the floor like this outside! Does she have asthma or something?!"

"God. Oh, God. Stephen!" She sobbed uncontrollably.

"Who's Stephen?"

"It's a long story. Let's put her on the couch."

Gerard hurriedly placed Stephenie's light body on the smooth leather surface. Her breathing has gotten even more unsteady. By that time, she coughing, desperately pulling in as much air as she could. It was like she was drowning in her rabbit hole of grief. Gerard's and Gray's face soon blurred into black and white pixels crashing into one another. She tried to find Stephen's face, or at least his voice, anything that was a part of him, but there was no trace.

"Wh-what do we do?" Gerard moved his hands in all kinds of directions, not knowing how to comfort his friend. It was like one small tap on her would cause her even more damage.

"Let me think! Let me think!" Gray shouted. Even he was losing his cool. 'Think logic! Think logic! This isn't something I need a medical degree to solve!' He looked at Stephenie's heaving body up and down. 'I need her to relax first.' He grabbed her tie and pulled it apart until it was loose.

"What are you doing?!" Gerard asked in complete and utter surprise. If Stephenie was a guy, he may not have been too concerned. He'd still be curious at Gray's actions, but not concerned.

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