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If everything already seemed like it piling up and up, school just had to make it worse. All Rebecca wanted was to rush through the entire day, go home, and...well, she had no idea what to do then. It appeared that her life turned so out of shape that she didn't even feel like watching her favorite show. 

When she was flipping through her backpack to confirm that she had her completed homework, a figure approached from behind. Rebecca waited for them to make their move, and in the wink of an eye, seized Stephenie's wrist.

"Ow! Rebecca, that hurts," Stephenie winced while trying to pull away.

Rebecca gasped and released her friend. This was the second time she had almost attacked someone. She kept assuming anyone approaching her was going to attack, and she couldn't control it. It was as if her instincts had a mind of their own.  Forget homework. She just wanted to leave. 

Zipping up her backpack, she speed-walked as fast and far away as she could. 

"Hey, wait!" Stephenie chased after her. "Hey, can we talk? We've been kinda distanced for a while. Is something wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong," Rebecca muttered. Her head was slightly turned away from Stephenie, but her eyes were glued to the floor. 

"Listen, if I did anything wrong-"

"You did nothing wrong, okay?!" Rebecca snapped. Everyone in the hallway, including some people in nearby classrooms, peeked out to see who raised their voice. Rebecca seethed in agitation and embarrassment. She had never felt so humiliated before. 

"Rebecca..." Stephenie tried to reach for her anxious friend's hand, but she took off running down the hall. Not speedwalking. Running. Unfortunately, Ben was at the end of the hall, strolling around the school to chat with his friends before class began. But his conversation was intruded upon when Rebecca collided right into his chest.

Of course, Ben being Ben, was a strong fellow who worked out almost every day. So it was just Little Na who fell back on her bottom.

"Rebecca," Ben exhaled in disbelief, "I...actually need to talk to you."

"No!" She got up and pushed herself past Ben and Alex.

"Rebecca!" Ben took off after her.

Stephenie happened to actually catch up, and as she was taking a breath, Alex put his arm in front of her. "Don't. Let Big Ben handle this."

Stephenie debated back and forth to see if she should listen to Alex. But Gray made that decision for her, as he walked out of the restroom and happened to witness the little spectacle before him.

"Let's go, Steph. She'll be okay," he reassured her.

"But what if she isn't?"

Alex chimed in, "Then we'll step in to help. But for now, let's give her and Ben some privacy." He patted her back and walked both her and Gray to their classroom.


Even as she was losing her energy bit by bit, the fear of having to talk with Ben (or anyone) kept her legs moving. But he was catching up pretty quick.

Suddenly, she caught that the hallway split into two directions. This was her chance.

'Ben won't know which direction I'll turn to. I can make a sudden turn and throw him off guard.'

Just as her little scheme was about to go well, a group of students blocked her way. To be more specific, she ran right into one of them. Again.

'Jesus Christ, how many more people do I have to crash into?'

When she looked up, she didn't notice the students' intimidating demeanor, but rather the color of their uniforms. It was red. On the left was a badge like how any other school uniform had. 'Ganghak' it read. 

The male students looked down at her. In their eyes, she was like a deer in headlights.

"Rebecca, please!" Ben wasn't the least bit out of breath. But it sure was taken away the moment he noticed enemy in territory. "What are you guys doing in Eunjang?" He defensively asked.

"'Ey there, assholes. Didn't I say you could go without me?" someone called from behind the Ganghak students. He jogged down the hall to his group of "friends", wondering what was keeping them so still. "Hey bitches, did you guys not...hear...me...?" A slow chuckle bounced off his lips. "Well well, isn't this interesting? If I remember correctly, Little Na, you're not supposed to talk with any Eunjang students, or else you'd be transferred to Yeo-II, right?"

Rebecca 'tched' and looked the other way. Ben, on the other hand, was shocked on the spot. He couldn't even form the right thought.

"Fortunately for you though, I feel pretty generous today. So how 'bout this?" he kneeled down to her level. "I will allow you to talk with your classmates. But only for necessary reasons. Like where the bathroom is, if you need a pencil, copy someone's homework, and all that shit. Other than that," he harshly tilted Rebecca's head up so she could look directly in his eyes that almost seemed to shimmer behind his reflective glasses, "stick to yourself and don't take this for granted. You should be grateful for what I'm doing." And then stiffly nudged her chin with his thumb. 

The rest of his gang followed behind him, each bumping their shoulders into Ben's, who was stiff from head to toe. 

'What the hell just happened?'

The EvolutionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora