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Gray took his foot off of Philip's back, sending him to scurry off with his two friends, who were already running ahead of him. 

There weren't any more available seats, so Gray and Eugene sat across from Rebecca and Stephenie. 

"Thanks for shouting my name when Philip swung his foot," Gray mumbled to Eugene, "I actually wasn't aware of it for a second."

Eugene blushed. 'He spoke two full sentences to me!'

"N-no problem."

The rest of lunchtime passed like a breeze. Rebecca and Stephenie slowly eased themselves in Gray's presence. His relaxed shoulders and all in all, his feminine appearance looked very underestimating, or intimidating, or calming. It really depended on the person and their chemistry with him. 

When the day finally came to an end, the two girls walked under a small bridge, leading to the nearest exit. 

"This is the closest way out. Why is everyone going around or something?" Stephenie questioned.

"Like I know," Rebecca scoffed.

As a group of guys, about five, passed them, the shortest one darted his eyes towards Rebecca and grabbed her chin. Her neck came into an uncomfortable angle, but the overweight boy didn't care. 

"Hey, what the hell?" Stephenie threw her thin fist towards the boy's thick skull, even though she wasn't sure if it would get sprained or not. But before it came in contact with his head, her long, thin-tight braid was pulled back. Then, a muscular arm wrapped around her neck. She continuously clawed at the skin until her hand was held back. Her other hand was busy trying to pull a little space between her neck and the mysterious person's arm. Her breathing was getting difficult by the second, but the person holding her didn't seem to notice, even when he wasn't even trying to suffocate her. In fact, he wasn't trying to harm her at all. Just restraining her was his only intention.

"Calm the fuck down, girl."

Meanwhile, the short, chubby boy held his phone right next to Rebecca's face. He compared the picture of her listening to her headphones to her wincing face. 

'Yup, definitely her,' he thought.

Rebecca finally wiggled out of his grasp, rubbing her neck and chin. Stephenie, on the other hand, was running out of air and decided to use that free arm of hers to elbow into her captor's side, shocking the rest of the boys who were watching. He pushed her to the ground and clutched the spot where she struck. Stephanie coughed and coughed, taking in deep breaths while Rebecca patted her back.

"You know what, I don't give a fuck about your gender anymore! I was trying to be nice, but you just had to act like a little bitch." the guy choking Stephenie spat. He clutched his fists and was prepared to ram the girls down, specifically Stephenie, like a bull.

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