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"Gerard!" Ben yelled, Alex running behind him. "What'd you call me....for?" He panted, before noticing the large crowd in front of him. "Well doesn't this bring memories?" he said, eyeing Gray. When Ben and Alex looked ahead, they saw a redheaded girl and the famous sister of Donald Na, who held a pair of pointe shoes by their ribbons, one of them already had a small blotch of smeared, dried blood. 

Gray stared down at Helmet, continuing to click his pen. Helmet and his friends then realized they were enclosed with Eunjang High students. Gray and his friends blocked the front, Rebecca and Stephenie blocked the other side under the bridge. 

Helmet couldn't stand the fear anymore. He scrambled past them, falling on his hands every few messy steps, like a dog trying to walk on its hind legs. The guy with a bleeding spot on his forehead (caused by Rebecca's pointe shoes) ran behind. Every member of the small gang left the area until no one except the two girls and the White Mamba's friends remained.

Alex tilted his head back, "Aghhh, come on! I was hoping I could have a little fun."

"The situation might've been different if Jack were here. Remember last time, guys?"

Out of everybody, Eugene was the one who felt most relieved for the fact that no fists were thrown. He still hadn't had the time to research a class where he could learn some basic self-defense skills, and then figure the rest out himself.

"So, we have this place where we, like, hang out, drink coffee, play pool and such. It's right over there." Ben pointed behind him to a tall building. "Or there's this other area I found recently, it's kind of abandoned and dusty, but suitable. It has a comfy couch as well. Which one would you guys like?"

Rebecca looked at her watch. "Sorry. I have ballet class in less than an hour. Sorry boys, sorry Steph." 

She shoved her shoes in her bag and ran out of the school grounds. She called for a taxi, whom she begged to pick up the pace. Every thirty seconds she would glance at her watch. Not to mention, even if she did reach the ballet building in time, she still had to change into her uniform. So she did what she had to do. Cover the windows with her jacket and shirt, and quickly change clothes. She even had to very specifically tell the taxi driver not to look back.

"I'll probably be late for ballet, so I'm gonna have to change. Do not look back. If you do, whether you mean it or not, I'll have you arrested for sexual harassment. Got it?"

The driver nodded in fear. 'Gee, girls these days are so aggressive.'

When they reached Kim's Dance Arts Company, Rebecca fixed her leotard just in time. She paid her driver an extra ten dollars, not realizing she put a $100 bill in his hands instead. As she ran towards the black building, the driver caught her wrist, pulling her back. Unfortunately, this caught the eyes of a tall, skinny lady making her way to the building as well. Beside her also was a very tall boy (for a 15-year-old).

"Hey!" Rebecca exclaimed.

"Wait, you slipped me a 100."

"Keep it," she quickly said.

The driver stared at the 100 dollar bill. Tears welled up his eyes and he covered his mouth. 'I really need this.'

The lady and her son relaxed that no one was hurt.

Meanwhile, Rebecca signed in her name while quickly. She ended up right on time. Her teacher and her son were actually the ones late, as they came in right after her. 

Everyone stared at Rebecca, not because of her pale skin or her natural-colored bloodshot eyes (they were already used to that), but because of the smeared spatter of blood on her right pink shoe. 

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