A Few Words

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I saw how the views have been increasing bit by bit every day, and that makes me very happy with my writing. Thanks a lot!

In a few chapters (one or two), I'll be posting a picture of what both Stephenie Ahn and Rebecca Na look like. Don't get your hopes up, since you'll only get a glimpse of what their hair will look like. Their faces will be blank (since I'm still learning how to draw facial features) and you won't be seeing their full-body image. But I figured the story would be more fun to read if you'll be able to picture what the characters look like, right?

I assume you guys already know what the rest of the characters look like. If you don't, just go on Webtoon and look up 'Weak Hero'. It's a fantastic comic and I assure you won't be disappointed.

Also, I MIGHT be posting a new chapter today, but no promises! ;)

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