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"We have PE?!" she exclaimed.

"It's on the schedule." Rebecca dragged her finger down Stephenie's schedule, stopping at the word 'PE'.

Stephenie tilted her head back and groaned as she walked to the locker rooms. The girls quickly changed into their uniforms: white top and light blue shorts. The sound of a whistle startled them, and along came shouting, eagerly telling them to "hurry up their business." They all rushed out. No one wanted to get a scolding from Ms. Yang.

Feeling generous, the PE coaches decided to host a little soccer game between the boys and girls. Long story short, the girls won...with extreme difficulty. There was shouting, ordering around, and a little bit of shoving. Luckily, Stephenie and Rebecca were one of the only few people who stood by the side watching the commotion happen before them.

When lunch arrived, Stephenie and Rebecca sat alone as expected, except a couple of tall, domineering-looking guys approached them. The one in the front had a black face mask, as well as spiky hair that was even darker than his mask. The majority of his face was covered, but you could tell he was smiling like a psycho. Rebecca and Stephenie ate their food slowly and uncomfortably, trying their very best not to make eye contact with anyone.

The three guys used their feet to pull out the chairs and lazily sat on them.

"Hey you, blonde hair." The face mask person called. Rebecca flinched and hesitantly looked into his eyes, corrupted with arrogance and danger. "Do you have a brother?" He actually figured he was asking the wrong person, based on how terrified and nervous she seemed. Definitely the opposite of the Donald Na.

"D-Donald? Yes? What about him?" she nervously asked. 'He attends Eunjang? He's the smartest person I know. He should at least be in a higher class than me.'

"Hm, never knew he had a sister," he muttered. "Anywho," he folded his hands together, "we have this thing called the Un-"

He was suddenly interrupted by a foreshadowing presence behind him, sending his back cold, but he hid his fear with a bored expression. His two sidekicks, on the other hand, knew exactly who approached them and were actually smart enough to show that they already backed down.

"Stay out of their business," Gray said.

Phillip, unaware of who the thin boy was capable of, smirked and cocked his head. "And if I don't?"

"I don't want to waste my lunchtime dealing with you, physically or verbally. So I'm calmly demanding you to leave these two students alone."

"What? Are they your girl-"

"I'm not asking you. Leave now."

Philip casually stood up from his chair, his two buddies quickly followed along. 'Finally, we get to leave,' they thought. 

Suddenly, Eugene shouted, "Gray, duck!"

As Gray crouched down on his knees, he smoothly slid his tray on the table, gliding towards Stephenie. She stuck her fingers out and stopped the tray before it collided with hers.

Gray got a hold of Philip's leg just as it went over his head, and threw it forward, sending Philip into an uncomfortable, inflexible splits position. Surprisingly, his pants didn't rip, but that didn't stop the pain in his muscles and joints. Gray put his foot on Philip's back, pressing him down. Philip groaned at the increasing pain.

"Stop, please stop!" Stephenie suddenly shouted. Rebecca followed behind her as they both ran to Gray's side.

"He didn't do anything. He was just talking to us," Rebecca clarified.

Gray sighed. 'Right, they don't know anything about anyone.' 

"If only you two knew what this bastard has been doing, you wouldn't be showing any mercy for this full-of-shit coward."

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