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Leaning back in his slick white leather chair, stretching his arms behind his head, Donald stared at the blank ceiling. He sighed. "Oh, Becca Becca Becca. Rebel Rebecca." He pulled himself off the  chair, which stiffed back up, and left the room.

Outside were two robust guys guarding the door. They saw Donald and respectfully gestured for him to pass. As he was about to trod down the stairs, he looked back at the guards.


They both flinched and turned in his direction, but refused to make eye contact.

"What was the most recent rumor you've heard?"

They shuddered, hoping one would answer first. No one said anything. They didn't want Donald Na to repeat the question, so one of them took the courage to speak up.

"T-two girls. Freshman Eunjang. They beat up Helmet and some other guys by themselves."

Donald tipped his head back. He was bored. "Anything else? Be more specific."

"One of them was said to look a lot like you. Her last name's..." he trailed off.

"Her last name is what?"

He swallowed, "Na."

Donald nodded and walked down the stairs. "Next time, answer my questions immediately. Even if you don't know, just tell me you don't know."

His voice echoed up and down the halls. The guards nodded, slouching against the wall. The door to Donald's office stood between them. Cold sweat formed at the back of their necks. They were definitely spared from a beating, but beating or no beating, every encounter with Donald Na was a moment to remember permanently, whether one was afraid of him or not. 

Donald arrived at a small cafe, where he met the rest of his Union members. They sat together and ordered food and drinks.

"So Donald, you never told us you had a little sister," someone said. He inhaled his cigar before flicking it to the ground and stomping on it.

Donald chuckled, "I do. Didn't think she'd come to Eunjang though."

"Do you think she'll join the Union?"

Donald really had no idea how to confront his little sister about everything that was going on. She was more like an auntie instead of a sibling. The Union would definitely be a decision she would decline. It would take a lot of effort to give her second thoughts.

"I suppose that's really up to her. Let's see how things unfold first."

He bit into hard bitter chocolate, making a little snap sound.


Ben had already played three games of pool (by himself), six arcade games (by himself), and drank two cups of coffee (by himself). Yet, Alex was nowhere in sight. After his patience ran down to its last limit, Ben did what he should've done minutes and minutes ago: get up off his ass and find him or at least ask around. The pool hall receptionist beauty mentioned seeing him earlier.

"When I came here in the morning for my shift, as always, I had to leave to get something. But when I came back, there was this huge fight. I couldn't even enter the room."

Ben looked down at the carpet, pondering, "Do you remember who anyone looked like?"

"Well, one of the fighters was your friend." Just as Ben feared. "I could recognize that scar anywhere. The other one on top of him had some sort of light orange hair that kind of leaned to one side." She swished her hand above her head to help with the description. "I never saw his face though."

Ben nodded and gave the lady a few extra dollars, as an appreciation for her help. She politely declined, but Ben was already out the door.

"Tsk, Jimmy fucking Bae. That bastard," Ben cursed beneath his breath. He dialed Alex's number one more time, and fortunately, he picked up. 

"Hey Ben, what's up?"

Ben exhaled, "I know you've been avoiding my calls, GoGo." Alex was silent for a moment. Ben knew he hit the spot. "Meet me at the usual rooftop. I have something to discuss."

"Uhhh, Ben? I actually have, uhh, homework-"

"Homework? What kind of excuse is that?" Gerard's voice said from the background.

"Will you shut up?!" Alex hissed.

Ben pinched the bridge of his nose. "Alex, I won't repeat myself. Come to the rooftop in ten minutes." As he was about to hang up, he pressed the phone to his ear again, "And you can bring Gerard if you want as well."

"Ben, I'm serious-"

Ben hit the 'end call' button. He looked up at the flight of stairs he walked down. 'Man, why did I walk down so many stairs?"

He lazily walked up and up the flight of stairs, ordering another cup of coffee along the way, and relaxed on a metal chair. The breeze was light and simple. The air was fresh as ever. It was always nice to be on the roof from time to time. The grounds reeked of smoke 24/7, except for elementary schools and daycares and any other places that didn't have middle schoolers and up. Most of the bullies smoked. It seemed those who rarely smoke, or didn't smoke at all, were always the most cunning ones. The ones who weren't hot-headed and rarely fought at all didn't mean they were bad at fighting.

Finally, the door busted open. Gerard walked in leaning on Alex. He had a busted lip and a tissue sticking out of his bleeding nose. Alex, on the other hand, was much worse. Bandages covered his face and hands, almost like a mummy.

"Oh my god, what the hell happened?" Ben exclaimed. Even though they've been in many fights, every fight was a risk. Every fight was something they should be concerned about. If one wasn't informed about an attack, even if it was just a small quarrel, it would be a huge deal for Ben, Gray, Teddy, Alex, and the rest of the group that is. 

"Got into a fight with some people from a different school," a feminine voice said.

Since Alex was the one facing Ben, Ben wasn't able to see the other side was Gerard. In fact, due to Gerard's height, he couldn't see the other side at all. But he didn't know there was someone else until she spoke. Now that he actually thought about it, Gerard wasn't leaning on Alex all the way. Plus, he was limping. So who was supporting Gerard's other side?

Gerarde pointed to a chair to sit down on. He didn't want to trouble his friends anymore than needed. He limped to the chair next to Ben's with the help of Alex and...


Rebecca released Gerard's arm and massaged both her aching shoulders. "Hey Ben-Oh, did you get a haircut? It's nice, I like it."

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