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Rebecca blinked her eyes open. She tried to move around, but it was like her blanket wrapped itself around her, like an octopus. An aroma then crept up her nose. It smelt very familiar, almost as if she'd only recently encountered this scent.

When her 'blanket' moved on its own, she bolted up in surprise, pushing Ben awake. His arms were loosely wrapped around her waist. 

Another subject popped into her mind: school. She hurriedly crawled over Ben to look at her clock, which stated the date, time, and temperature. It was Saturday, fortunately.

Ben rubbed the center of his stomach, where Rebecca unintentionally stepped on. He murmured something before rolling off the bed, not caring that his face hit the floor.

"You awake?" Rebecca said, pulling on a hoodie.

"Yeah," Ben murmured loudly. "How...what happened?"

"You mean you ending up in my bed?"

Ben lifted his face. "What?!" He looked around, and yes, he was in her room. He looked behind him, and some of the blankets were still wrapped around his foot while only hanging a bit off the bed. He looked back at Rebecca, who was brushing her hair, patiently waiting for an answer. "I sleepwalk," he blurted.


Now that the truth about Stephen was revealed, how was she able to tell her father about it. She couldn't just say something like, "Oh hey, Dad. You remember Stephen? Of course you do! He fell off the goddamn roof!"

Looking through Stephen's pictures the night before was a terrible idea, plus the simple thought of Gray explaining the incident made Stephenie sob even more. She was lucky it was a Saturday, or else she would've either overslept, gone to school looking all messy and drowsy, or not go to school at all, which would definitely piss her dad off unless she had a good reason why she skipped. Was telling your father that his son fell off a 6+ building and suffered brain damage a good excuse?

Her nose was clogged, her eyes were red and puffy, and she forgot to take her braid out. 

'How long was I crying last night?' Stephenie thought as a new wave of tears started to leak. Her pillow was already soaked from sobbing into it. If her father heard her, he wouldn't leave her alone until she tells why she was crying at four in the morning. 

As much as she didn't want to, Stephenie rolled off the bed and forced herself into the shower. She felt disgusting. 

Her uniform was stripped off, and pulling the rubber band off her hair was a pain, so she chose to snip it off, not caring that a few strands of hair came off as well. She ruffled her hands through her braid until it was loose.

She stepped into the bathtub and allowed warm water to gently patter on Stephenie's bare skin. She tried not to cry again, which was why she put on soft, cheerful music. When the music switched to the sad playlist, she finally lost it and cried for about thirty minutes. 

Suddenly, a knock on her bathroom door startled her.

"Steph? Are you okay? You're taking a bit long in there."

Stephenie cleared her voice and rinsed her mouth so it wouldn't sound like she's been weeping her face off. "I'm fine. I'll be right out!"

"Okay, don't waste too much water." As the sound of his footsteps became faint, Stephenie heard her father approach the bathroom door again. "Also, you have a friend waiting for you in your room."

'A friend? Could it be Rebecca?'

Stephenie quickly dried herself off and pulled on a dress and a pair of skinny jeans. When she stepped into her room while still drying her hair with a towel, Gray was sitting on her bed flipping through a photo book, looking at none other than Stephen. 

The tears started coming again, and she turned around so Gray couldn't see her.


"Oh, hi Gray!" she said, pretending she didn't notice him before. She wiped her eyes and turned back to his with a smile.

Gray squinted at her, "Have you been-"

"Hello kids," Mr. Ahn greeted, "I made some fruit, it's not much. I'll just put it right here," he placed the plate on his daughter's desk. "I'll be in my room working. I trust nothing intimate will happen?"

Gray blushed a bit, but Stephenie agitatedly ordered him out of her room. He laughed as he walked to his bedroom. When he closed his door, Stephnie closed hers right after. She slumped against it, and then looked at Gray, waiting for something to happen.

Gray fidgeted with his fingers, then proceeded with his question. "Have you been crying?"

It was a question Stephenie was hoping to avoid. But now, she was cornered.


"Ah hahaha, what do you mean?" she said, trying to conceal her nervousness.

"Your eyes are puffy, and there are blotches stained on your pillow," he pointed out.

Stephenie touched below her eyes, "They're...that noticeable?"

'How come my dad didn't see?'

She walked to the mirror in front of her desk to examine her face, and yes, her eyes were pink-red, as if she had a serious allergic reaction to something. 

"Why did you come?" she asked, looking down at her feet.

Gray took a glance at Stephen's picture before facing his identical sister. "I fell into my own phase of depression when I heard about...your brother...back in middle school. I figured the same would happen to you so I just came to look out for you."

Stephenie didn't know what to feel. She knew Gray just wanted the best for her, but she honestly just wanted to be alone. If she was left alone though, she would probably start crying all over again. And then everything's back to square one.

"Well, thanks," was all she said.

A lingering silence passed. Even Gray tried to hide his awkwardness by continuing to flip through the photobook. Stephenie took the plate of sliced peaches and pears and sat next to Gray on her bed. She handed him one toothpick. Together, they silently looked at pictures of the Ahn family while enjoying fresh, juicy sliced fruit. 

With Gray's presence, Stephenie was able to feel comfortable enough to give a little bit of background knowledge on some pictures. Gray listened intently, almost forgetting to bite his fruit at times.

This time, it was Gray's turn to become emotional. He set down his toothpick and turned his back towards his friend. She placed her hand on his shaking shoulder. Under everyone's tough disposition was always a soft, sensitive part burrowed deep down under. Once activated, it boosts to the surface and shatters the shield that they've been carrying for so long.

"Stephen," Gray muttered between little breaths of air.

Stephenie leaned closer and closer until her head rested on Gray's back and her arms wrapped around his neck. Fresh tears slid down one by one, dripping on her collar. 

"I know, I miss him too," she whispered. 

Together, they faintly mourned for the first person that filled in the hole in Gray's heart.

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