Part 5

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You woke up the next morning, still feeling sore, but better than the day before. You rolled over slowly to get out of the bed and saw that the clothes that you came to the house wearing were sitting on the dresser.

You walked to the dresser, and grabbed the clothes and went to change, as your ears perked up at the sound of a guitar strumming.

You were doing up the last button on your shirt as you walked out of the guest bedroom, and down the stairs where Paul was sitting in the living room with an acoustic guitar in his arms as he absentmindedly strummed a random melody on it.

"Good morning." You say, as he raises his head, at your voice.

"Good morning Y/n" he said as he smiled at you, as you took in what he was wearing, which was a black tank top and spandex, as you felt your eyes land on the lower half of him, which was also covered by the guitar, as your eyes went up to his face, as he was smiling at you.

"Went to the gym earlier, came home and I felt like playing around. Helps me think." Paul explained, as he got up moving the guitar onto the couch.

"I made coffee." he continues, as he stands in front of you, as you start to feel nervous.

"I think we need to talk y/n." he says as he rests his hand on your shoulder, as he leads you to one of the bar stools that sit where the kitchen island was, as you sit down on one of them, as you watch as Paul pours two cups of coffee.

"So yesterday, that wasn't you just eating too fast was it." Paul said, as he passed the cup to you.

"No, it wasn't." you answered, as you saw his face fall.

"He, is or well was controlling how much i was eating during the day, which wasn't much, so when i saw all that food yesterday. I guess my system was used to eating less, which led to the vomiting." You explain, as you see that same dark expression pass across Paul's face at the mention of this.

"How long has it been going on?" He asked, partially not wanting to know the answer.

"Honestly, I can't really say. One second, he was the guy and i mean the guy. The one that i saw myself marrying at some point and then it all switched, like everything he was before was an act." You explain, still in disbelief at the turn that your relationship took with Andrew.

"I made some calls, and Larry, the man that the band hires for protection, he called and said that the cops have Andrew and are holding him until you come down to the station and explain it. I already tried to explain the situation to them, even Larry wanted to so you wouldn't have to go in. But you have to go down to the police station and tell them about the history of abuse." Paul explains slowly, watching your reaction.

"You think he's going to stay in prison? 'Cause i know he doesn't have a record." You reply.

"That shouldn't matter, you have me and Larry vouching for you, to add onto your story." Paul said, as his hand touched yours.

"It shouldn't matter that he doesn't have a record, an abuser is an abuser and he's going to go to prison for it trust me." Paul continued, as he squeezed your hand affectionately.

"You drink your coffee and I'm going to go take a shower, and then we can go to the station." Paul said as you found yourself nodding, and not processing this information until you noticed Paul walking up the stairs.

Andrew could be going to jail for a long time. You thought, as you felt a small smile start to form at the thought.


You were getting your coffee, and opened up the fridge, since it had been a week. So you were starting to feel comfortable in Paul's home. You were grabbing the creamer from the fridge when you heard a noise as you eyebrows furrowed and you had the sense that someone was watching you.

You closed the fridge and turned around and was met with 3 guys standing in the kitchen, as you dropped the creamer all over the kitchen floor, as you gaped at them.

"Holy shit...." You say as you look at them all collectively, as you were met face to face with the members of KISS, minus Paul of course, as you heard the shower running upstairs.

You looked at all of them, and noticed that Tommy was holding a guitar, but not in a relaxed way, but tense like he was waiting to use it on you in case he had to, as Eric was standing behind him, almost like he was using the taller man as a defense mechanism. And then your eyes landed on Gene, who had his arms crossed across his chest as he was looking down at you through his sunglasses.

You all collective had the same look on your faces, you were all surprised.

"Should we call the cops?" You hear Eric ask, as you look at them, as you stood there and went from stunned fan to "holy crap, I might be in danger" mode.

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