Part 6

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"Should we call the cops?" Eric asked again, as he looked from you, to Tommy and then to Gene, as you froze in place, as you hear the sound of feet running down the stairs.

"What's going on?" You hear Paul say, as he turns the corner into the kitchen, and if you weren't scared beyond belief, you might have jumped him right then and there, and fulfilled the little fantasy you always had.

Your eyes flickered to him, and you noticed that he was wet, from the shower, and only had a towel that was covering him from the waist down.

Must have heard the commotion and came to see what was up. You thought, as you saw the look of surprise leave his face, as the hand that wasn't holding onto the towel go across his face, as he groaned.

"I forgot to call you fuck" He said, as your eyebrows furrowed at that sound, cause you've never heard him swear before and it sounded odd, as you noticed that Tommy and Eric's slightly smiled at that, as they looked from Paul and then back to you.

"Yeah, if you were busy, we would understood." Eric said in a knowing tone, as he smiled at Paul, as you noticed that his face got pink that the implication, as he started sputtering, trying to come up with an answer to two of his bandmates knowing smiles, while Gene just glared at you.

"Regardless, we're here since we were scheduled to rehearse. So get ready, we'll be out in the studio waiting." Gene said as he looked at Paul with an air of authority, as Tommy and Eric's smiling faces fell, and Paul rolled his eyes at that.

"I'll be there in a few minutes" He said, as all three of them walked out to the back of the house, as he turned to you with a smile on his face.

"Well know you can say that you met the rest of the band." He said, as your eyes caught sight of a stray water droplet that had not evaporated that was sitting on his chest, and slowly made its way down his chest, across his abdominal muscles, and disappeared underneath the towel.

You cleared your throat that magically became dry, as your eyes left his waist, and saw that he was looking at you again with the same tilted head look that he had given you the first time that he met you. When he had been checking you out, which you could guess that's what he was doing now, as he shook his head and licked his lips.

"Sorry, i was thinking about something. But I do need to get some clothes on and go out to the studio to rehearse with the guys since they are here. So maybe afterwards we can go to that station and talk to the police about your situation." Paul said, as he started to walk back up to the master bedroom to go change into some clothes.

"In the meantime make yourself comfortable." Paul said, as his voice became less apparent as he entered the master bedroom and closed the door.

You sighed, and looked down at the kitchen floor that was covered in coffee creamer, as you grabbed a rag to clean up the mess. As you fought the urge to roll your eyes at the irony.

Make yourself at home. Yeah I am SO making myself comfortable, almost crawling out of my own skin when your bandmates scared the shit out of me. You thought, as you smiled to yourself, because despite the fact that they did startle you, Eric and Tommy did seem nice enough, you didn't know how you felt about Gene. Because you didn't know if it was because you just assume that his stage persona would be how he comes off in real life or the fact that he was upset about having something, or rather you possibly being a distraction to Paul.

You sighed again, as you get up off the ground from cleaning the creamer off the kitchen floor and putting the rag on the counter.

Why would i even be thinking that I'm a distraction to Paul for the reasons that I think I would be? I'm spending time at his home because of my psycho boyfriend, and that's the only reason right? Paul couldn't possibly have feelings for me? You thought as you shook your head laughing at your own thoughts.

A couple hours later...

Paul opened the door, as you walked through, and saw the frown on his face, as he slipped his sunglasses over his eyes, as you both walked back to where his car was parked outside the police station.

"You know it's stuff like that, that really makes me question the police sometimes." Paul said as he clicked the suburban doors to unlock, as you didn't respond to his statement, as you got into the passenger seat, almost robotically.

"Can you take me back to my apartment?" You ask, as you look over at him, as he was clicking the seatbelt in.

"No." Paul said automatically, as you looked at him surprised, as he gripped the steering wheel, and sighed.

"sorry , what i meant was, I don't think that you should be going back to your apartment. I think I'm going to talk to Larry, see if he can talk to the police and explain the situation to them. Because they shouldn't not have let him out, even if it took you a week to come down." Paul said, as you looked at his hands that were on the steering wheel, gripping it so tight that his knuckles were turning white.

"They said that they had to let him go after 72 hours because they couldn't get any information out of him, plus like i told you he doesn't have a record." You explain in a sad tone.

"I'm sure that by now the locks got changed on the apartment and I know that Amanda is probably worried, and i need to be getting back to work." You say, in a more stern tone, as you look at Paul, as he starts the car, and instead of going back to his house, he starts to drive towards your apartment.

"Can I use your phone to call Amanda, to make sure she's there so i can get in the place?" You ask, as he grabs his phone out of his pocket, and hands it to you, as you dial her number.

"Amanda, it's y/n. I know it's been a bit since i talked to you, but I'm headed towards the apartment and I don't have my keys, so I'm going to buzz in ok?" You ask over the line, as you listen to your roommate.

"Alright, I'll see you soon, bye." You say as you hang up the phone.

"Thanks." You say, as you look at Paul, as he smiles slightly.

"Hey letting you make a call is nothing Y/n." he said with a shake of his head.

"No, I mean for everything. Thank you." You said, as you placed your hand on top of his that was resting on the center console, as you watched as his eyes went to where your hands were.


"Can i walk you up?" Paul asked, as he parked the car outside your building.

"Yeah." You replied, as you nodded with a smile on your face.

Plus you never know, Andrew might be lurking around a corner somewhere just waiting for you. You thought, as you fought back the urge to cringe, as you both got out of the car and walked up to the entrance to the apartment building.

You buzzed your apartment, as you heard the door click open, as Amanda buzzed you in, as you walked behind Paul, as you both slowly walked up the flights of stairs to your apartment.

You went to grab for your key in your pocket, and rolled your eyes.

Duh, you left your keys in your purse which is in the apartment. You thought, as you walked up to your building as Paul followed behind you, as you knocked on the door and waited for your roommate, Amanda to open the door.

From the outside you heard a lot of unlocking sounds, before the door was opened, and you smiled at your roommate, who looked at you surprise, and then looked passed you, and at Paul, as you saw her eyes go from you to Paul as her smile widened.

"So your the one that Y/n is always talking about." She says as you feel like you want to dig a hole, push your friend and roommate in it.

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