Part 13

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It took you a moment to be able to compose yourself. If even at all really. And you did what you always did when you got uncomfortable, drink and eat.

Which was perfect with the beer in your hand and an entire table full of food.

Since you were a light-weight in the alcohol department, it didn't take long for the beer to take effect.

"How exactly would you wind me up?" You ask, as you start opening up the containers.

"I think I'll leave you guessing, don't want you knowing my diabolical plans." Paul said, as he started dishing himself up.

"But I can tell you this. It's going to be very very good." He said, as as you started laughing.

"Oh really, setting the standard that high are we?" you asked, as you started eating the food on your plate, trying to get your mind on all the very bad thoughts you were having in your head. At this rate you weren't even certain about your threat earlier about waiting an extra date, cause you just might have to have him tonight.

"This is really good, when did you have the time to cook everything?" You asked, trying to get the conversation to go somewhere else, so the heat in your face would die down.

"Couldn't sleep so I just started making stuff. I wouldn't be surprised if we don't get to everything." Paul said, as he went to get up to get a drink as you were taking a bite of food, and coughed.

Cause from your memory of that first time when he ended up in your bed, apparently didn't do Paul justice from what you saw when he went to stand up.

Little Paul wasn't so little, and from your memory of the band photos, it wasn't that far off from some of the creatures of the night photos.

Taking a bite of food when seeing that, was not the best thing. You started coughing, making Paul turn around at the sound, as he had been in the ice chest trying to find something to drink, and was immediately next to you.

"y/n, are you ok?" Paul asked, as you tried to take a breath, and coughed again, as you held your hand out to move him away.

Cause having him right next to you definitely wasn't going to help.

After coughing again, with Paul standing next to you worried as hell, as you were trying to get some space putting your hand out, not really noticing that it was actually resting on his chest.

Again not a good choice, because as you finally felt like you weren't going to be seeing your life flash before your eyes, you realize where your hand was and once again your mind went into the gutter, as you quickly moved your hand away, and rested it on the table. As you took a couple more hesitant breaths, as you looked out of the corner of your eyes and saw that Paul was again in the ice chest, and pulled out a cold water, opened it and handed it to you.

You took it and took a couple sips, as he went to sit next to you at the table, placing his hand on the small of your back.

"Are you ok?" Paul said, concerned way, as you narrowed your eyes at him.

"It's your fault I almost choked to death." You say, as you see Paul look back at you in confusion, as you gestured to his waist area, taking another sip of the water.

And he just looked down at himself, saw what you were referring to and started chuckling, as your eyes widened.

"Sorry I honestly didn't think you would have noticed." he said in between laughing, as you put your water bottle down on the table.

"How am I not going to notice that? How?" You ask, in a mock serious tone, but you ended up laughing as well.

Anyone that would walk by would probably think that the both of you were crazy just sitting and laughing.

"Yeah I'm going back to the beer, I can't not have this conversation without a beer." You said, as you started sipping at your beer.

You noticed that Paul had stopped laughing, and you looked over at him to see why he stopped laughing.

"What?" You ask, as you look at him, and he's looking out into the distance, as you followed his eyeline towards the sky that was starting to get dark.

"Weather didn't say anything about the rain at all." Paul said, as he got up.

"But might as well try and beat it before we get rained on." Paul continued, as he went to put the ice chest into the back of the suburban, as you took your beer, downed it and then started to close up all the open tupperware containers and throw the trash on the table away in a nearby trash can.

In the span of a couple minutes, both you and Paul were collecting all the tupperware and putting them in the back of the suburban, as the rain started pouring, soaking the two of you, as Paul closed the back and you were to jump in the passenger seat, as Paul hopped into the driver's seat and turned on the heater.

"There's a couple towels in the back." Paul said, as you turned in the seat, and leaned back and reached behind the seat and found paper towels, and grabbed a roll.

"Finally having a kid that constantly spills things in the car comes in handy." Paul said, as you ripped off a section and handed it to him, as he started running it through his hair, and you started to do the same with the section that you ripped off.

You were just staring at the dash of the truck, and didn't notice that Paul was staring at you, until you felt like his eyes were on you, causing you to turn and look at him.

And you could see that he was staring at your chest, and trying really really hard not to. Because you had decided when picking out a shirt to pick out a white one, and wore a nude bra, which now he could see because your shirt got soaked through.

You reflectively crossed your arms over your chest, snapping him out of his thoughts, as he went to turn the ignition again and started the truck.

"What's closer, my apartment or your house? Cause I don't know if I can stay like this for long." You say, as you feel yourself start to shake from the cold.

"My house." Paul answered simply, as he started driving out of the park, as you went to look back in the back if there was anything to cover yourself up because the heater wasn't getting you warm enough, fast enough, and your eye caught sight of a bag, which looked familiar.

"Why do you have one of my bags in your car?" You ask, looking from the back and back at Paul, as a smile crept on his face, as he looked at you.

"That would be your roommate Amanda's doing before you came down to meet me up at your apartment. She dropped it in the car and told me that you needed to stay the weekend at my house." Paul said, as your eyes widened.

"Wow, didn't think she would pull that. I mean I could see it but wow." You say simply, as you go and grab the bag and open it up to see what she ended up packing for you.

You shuffled through the bag, found a change of clothes, toiletries kit, lingerie and a box of condoms and some other things you had no idea what they were.

Paul caught sight of the condoms and started chuckling.

"Apparently had high hopes for this date huh?" He said, as you looked up and noticed that you were already driving up to the gate, as Paul slide a card through the card reader to open up the gate.

You rolled your eyes.

"That and other things I have no idea what their uses are." You say, as you pull something out, which apparently wasn't something Paul was thinking would have been in the bag because you saw his eyes bug out, as he accelerated as you started laughing.

"What? What is this?" You ask, as Paul put your hand that was holding the object back into the bag.

"I'll explain it to you, but I think I'm going to have to have a couple glasses of wine before we get to that." he says, as you start laughing as he pulled into the driveway.

Learning To Love Again (series) | Paul Stanley x reader fanficWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu