Part 12

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"So where are we going for part 2 of this date?" You asked, as you hopped into Paul's car, feeling giddy.

"Well dinner, but I didn't get it planned out that far." Paul said, as he started up the car, and went to pull out of the parking lot.

"So, what did you have in mind?" you asked, as you may have noticed that there was an expression on Paul's face that you couldn't read.

"How about we just go somewhere and talk before going to dinner?" Paul asked, as he turned on the turn signal, making you think that he had a location in mind.

"Sure that sounds nice." You reply, happy that he actually wanted to spend some time with you, and not have the distraction of food like Andrew always seemed to need.

After some driving, Paul pulled into a park and goes down one of the roads that goes uphill.

"So you did have something in mind." You said, as you looked at Paul, who had that same expression on his face.

"I just know this area." Paul countered, as he parked the car in a parking spot that was right next to a picnic table that was overlooking the rest of the park from below.

After he parked the car, you both get out and go sit at the picnic table, sitting across from each other.

"So..." Paul said, as you looked across from him, and noticed that he was clasping both his hands together, as you smiled.

He's nervous? You thought, as you thought about every other encounter, and except for the 2 times you were alone with him in your bedroom, you both hadn't not really sat alone together.

Except for the time before he slept in your bed the second time, where you made out. You thought, making you want to cringe cause thinking about it that way, made it seem bad. But the guy is someone you never thought you would ever met, hell even sit across from, so who would blame you for trying to makeout with him.

As you were thinking about this, you had been progressive smiling more and more, as Paul looked at you, with a questioning smile.

"What?" he asked, as you snapped out of your thoughts, as you looked across from the table and noticed that he was smiling at you.

"Oh just thinking, this is kinda our first time out without being you know involved in drama or around my roommate." You state, as you tap your fingers against the wood of the table, one of your nervous habits.

Because you weren't the only one that was sitting at that table that was nervous as hell.

"So, what do you wanna know about me?" You ask, because nothing else came to mind. Because this was your first date.

"Well, you're a KISS fan, so what was the first record?" He asked, and it seemed that just starting to talk about something, something that he knew very well about made the nervous smile disappear.

"Alive. I remember going through a record shop and seeing it and falling in love with the cover art, then when I listened to it when I got home, instant fan." You replied, as Paul smiled wider.

"Well I'm glad that we were able to snag a fan from that album. At the time no one was expecting the popularity that we would gain, not even me." Paul replied.

Just as you were going to reply, your stomach grumbled, causing Paul to laugh, as you rolled your eyes sarcastically, as you started to laugh.

"Guess this little get to know each other session just ended early." You said, as you started to get up from the table.

"Sit back down." Paul said, as you looked down at him and he has that same big smile on his face.

"I lied, I did kinda have this planned." Paul said, as he went to get up and walked back to the suburban, opening up the back of the truck and emerging with something in his arms.

"You brought a tablecloth? You really did have this planned." You say with a laugh, as you get up to help him lay the material straight onto the table then walked back to the back and saw that the back of the suburban was loaded up with various containers, and utensils and napkin holder, plates and an ice chest.

" really planned this." You said, in an uneasy voice, that made Paul look at you.

"What you never had someone plan out a date?" he asked, and at the end of the question you could feel his regret in asking it.

"sorry...I wasn't thinking. You want me to just take you back or?" Paul asked, as you looked up at him, and saw that he had taken off his sunglasses, and was looking at you waiting for an answer.

"No, no I wanna spend time with you. And no, no one has ever done something like this for me." You reply, as you grab a couple containers and walk them back to the table.

"Wait before you say that wholeheartedly before you eat the food." Paul said, trying to get the atmosphere back.

"What are you talking about? You are fine in the cooking department." You said, as you were thinking, and in other departments as well, as you went to go get other containers and you see Paul smiling but not the wide smile from before as he was looking intently at you.

He was smirking at you. You thought, as you realized you must've said the last part out loud.

"Sweetheart you just wait." He said, making you really not want to be in a park and more along the lines of his house in that moment.

He put his hands on your shoulders, making you sit down on the table, as he chuckled, as he continued to take out the containers.

"That was too easy, y/n" Paul said, as he went to grab the ice chest and set it next to the table. Then went to sit across from you again, all the while that big smile on face.

He started opening up containers and put two plates before you both, as you still were just staring at him, narrowing your eyes at him, before going to the ice chest and seeing that he had packed beer, probably for you because he was driving as you immediately fished one out and popped it open and taking a big sip from it, before sitting back down.

"You do realize, you just delayed the sex an extra date now." You say, as he takes your plate, and without hesitation he replies with something you never thought he would say.

"Good, gives me more time to wind you up y/n." He said, as you felt your face heat up.

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