Part 9

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You were sleeping in your bed, and was jolted out of your peaceful sleep from banging on the door.

"Y/N, OPEN UP!" you heard someone shouting, and it only takes you a second to register that it was in fact Andrew that was on the other end of your apartment door.

You didn't know how he had gotten in but he did.

Suddenly the door knob started to move unsteadily side to side. As if it was lurching forward from the motion, as I held my breath questioning if I should walk to the door or just stay hidden under the covers.

And then you blinked and you were standing in front of the door that was being pounded as you started hyperventilating and covering your mouth as you started to cry, thinking that he was going to bust through the door despite the ampule amount of locks that were on the door that were put into place after he took you from the school campus.

Just as soon as the pounding on your door started it stopped. And after a minute you leaned into the door and looked through the peephole.

And saw that Andrew was still standing out in front of the door and was looking directly into the peephole. You wanted to scream not just at him almost seeming to look directly at you through the peephole, but at his eyes.

The usual brown eyes that had been kind to you in the beginning, now were bugged out making him look insane, as he moved his other hand that wasn't holding the knife towards the door.

Just as the knob of the front door turned, and you stepped back in alarm, not because of how close he was to the door but because he was holding a knife in his hand.

* * *

You woke up with a gasp, and feeling like your entire body was on fire as your eyes immediately went to your opened bedroom door that looked out into the living room, and you stared at the doorknob to your apartment.

And you were just waiting for the sound of the pounding against it. But as you sat there for a second waiting for it to come, it didn't.

You sighed and took a shaky breath, removing the covers from you, feeling the cool air touch you, as you got out of bed.

And went straight to your front door and made sure to check and triple check that all the locks were in place.

Amanda was working the night shift so of course the door slamming against the door locks from the inside would wake you, but that was the least of your concerns, especially from what your subconscious was concerned about, with the nightmare you just woke up from.

You took another shaky breath and could feel the tears start to well up in your eyes as you went back to your bedroom and grabbed your phone and started scrolling through your contacts.

You stopped at Amanda's number and thought against it.

She was working the night shift at her job and what could she do at this late at night. Then just as you were going to click your phone off you saw Paul's name in your contact list, remembering that he had inputted his home and cell numbers into your phone.

You bite your lip while considering if you should even call him. After all it was just a nightmare. But one that was coming from a genuine fear, because you had only been back at the apartment a couple days now.

You sighed as you clicked on the call button and listened to the ringing on the other end, as you looked over at your clock that was on your little nightstand and saw the red numbers staring back at you.

11:30pm, would he even be up? Am I going to wake him up over a nightmare that I had? You thought, as you were just about the take the phone away from your ear to disconnect the call, but the ringing had stopped.

Learning To Love Again (series) | Paul Stanley x reader fanficNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ