Part 7

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"So you talk about me alot I take it?" Paul asked, as you feel your face heat up, as you go to walk into the apartment.

"No, she's exaggerating. Right Amanda?" You say as you make eye contact with your roommate, as she rolls her eyes.

"Do you want to come in?" Amanda asked as she elbowed you in your side.

"Yeah do you want to come in? You can actual see the shoebox I live in." You say laughing, as Paul shook his head.

"I would love to. Then I'm going to talk to your super about getting the locks changed." Paul said, as he stepped into your apartment and closed the door behind him.

"Y/N, go show him your room." Amanda said as you felt like your eyes were going to bug out of your head, as you saw him smile at the little comment as he looked around the living area, because the last time he was here he was too busy trying to take you away from Andrew to even take in the place that you were living in.

You were trying to signal to Amanda to stop, as you felt Paul's hand take yours, as he slowly walked to your bedroom, as you narrowed your eyes at Amanda before turning to follow Paul.

Once Paul closed the door to your bedroom, you felt like you were having a panic attack.

As Paul was looking around your bedroom, and fixing his clothes in the full-length mirror that was on the other side of the room.

"You ok Y/n?" Paul asked as he looked at you through the mirror. As you were leaning against the door, trying to take deep breaths.

"I was just messing with your roommate. We aren't going to do anything. Because I am just getting out of a marriage and you are still dealing with Andrew." Paul said, as you focused on his words.

"Plus I get to see your room." Paul said, as you were still thinking about his words and their implication, as Paul opened up your closet, and he looked at you with a big smile on his face.

"Didn't know someone was a big fan of mine." Paul said, as you groaned, as he turned on the light and on one side of the closet was a big poster of him back from the 70s.

"You already knew that." You say, as you try to not hold eye contact with him, as he laughed lightly.

"It's fine, doesn't bother me." Paul said, as he noticed something.

"Did Andrew come back and pick up his stuff?" Paul asked as you shook your head.

"No, he didn't keep his stuff here. He has his own apartment." You explain, as you felt the mood shift in the room.

"Which reminds me, I'm going to talk to the super about getting the locks changed. I'll be right back." Paul said as he walked out of your room, and you noticed that Amanda was in the kitchen with a big grin on her face, as Paul walked out of the apartment.

"Nothing happened. He's going to talk to the super about getting someone over here to change the locks, so Andrew can't get back in." You explain.

"Nothing happened. Of course nothing happened, you were only in there with him for like 3 minutes. Unless, well...was it that quick or?" Amanda asked honestly, as you went to punch her in the arm as you two laughed.

"He said that he wasn't trying to start anything, just trying to mess with you." You explain, as you look at what Amanda was doing.

"Your cooking? Why are you cooking?" You ask, starting to get nervous.

"I was thinking about asking him to stay with us for dinner, maybe a couple of drinks too." Amanda replies with a smile.

"No, after probably having to bribe the super to get someone out here to change locks for us, he's going home." You say as you shake your head.

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