Part 19

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Paul ran up to the second story, where Evan was sleeping, as he heard Carman walking through the first floor, as he went to lock Evan's door and went to the master bedroom.

Once there, he went to the closet, and went to the hidden gun safe and opened it, grabbing a handgun and loading it quickly.

He went to exit the bedroom, and saw someone in the hallway and pointed the gun at them.

"No don't shoot!" You said, as you held up your hands, as Paul dropped teh gun into one hand, as he hugged you tightly.

"I was wondering what happened to you." He said, as he looked you over, as a sound alerted him.

The creaking of the stairs.

"Go in with Evan." Paul said, as he unlocked the door from teh outside with a key, as he opened it and led you in, as he was going to close it.

"No, I won't let you do this alone. This is my problem that I brought here. Give me a gun." You said, as you stepped out of Evan's room and took the key and locked it before giving it back to him.

And then walking into the master bedroom again and grabbing a handgun from the gun safe before closing it.

As they hear another creak of the stairs and an engine in the distance.

Which wasn't possible with how far the house was to the main road.

"I'll go check out the noise." You said, as you checked the gun to make sure that the safety was off.

"Alright." Paul said, as you went towards the door, as Paul pulled you to him and kissed you passionately, before letting you go.

You opened the door and went your separate ways.


Paul went to check on Evan. As he went towards his door to unlock it with the key, he saw that the door was slightly ajar.

He opened it and saw Carman standing over Evan, a straight razor in her hand.

"If you don't drop that gun, your little offspring gets it." Carman said, as Paul immediately clicked the safety on the gun and set it down on the floor.

No use in even trying. He didn't want to risk Evan's life. This wasn't his fight.

Which is when Evan decided to walk up.

He gasped as he looked up and saw Carman standing over his bed with the razor in his hand, and then his dad by the doorway, looking at him, worry all over his face.

"He's not involved in this Carman, let him go." Paul said, as he stepped up, as Carman leaned back, as Evan took that moment to run to his dad, as Paul clutched Evan's shoulders.

"Go. like we discussed if anything might happen. Be quiet." Paul said, as Evan nodded and ran out of the room and down the stairs.

"Good now it's just the adults. No more interruptions." Carman said, as she came up to Paul, still with the straight razor in her hand and the other one went to brush up against his face, as he moved back away from her, as the smile that she had on her face fell.


Evan went to run down the stairs, his mind on only thing.

What his dad told him. They talked about this since he was little. It was always drilled into his head. If anything should happen to Paul, Evan was to go straight to Gene's house, he would know what to do.

He was running down the stairs and heard something that made him stop.

Your gasp, as Evan looked in the direction the sound, and saw a man in the entrance way with your neck in his grasp as he squeezed, as the gun that was in your hand fell clattering to the ground.

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