Chapter 9

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Ricky & Amy (Amy's POV)

It's been a couple weeks since Emily was born. I forgot how exhausting it has been to have a newborn but I love Emily as much as I love John. 

"Amy, I have great news," Ricky said as he entered the kitchen. 

"What?" I replied.

"First oval, How are the kids doing?" He asked.

"Good. I am feeding John now and Emily is sleeping," I responded.

"Good. I missed you," He responded as he walked over and kissed me.

"What's your great news?" I asked.

"Leo offered me a good job working for his company. More on the business side," Ricky told me.

"That's great. Isn't that what you wanted?" I responded.

"Yes," He replied.

Ricky's new job has been great. He is extremely happy and doing what he loves and making good money. However it requires him to work long hours. Sometimes I get lonely and the kids need his father.

I am sitting in the coffee shop at school when a guy walks over, "Hi. I am Lucas," The guy said to me.

"Hi. I am Amy," I responded.

"May I sit," He said.

"Sure," I responded as he sat down.

What are you doing here?" He said.

"Just hanging out. My husband won't be home from work for a few hours. My kids are with my parents," I explained.

"Kids?" He questioned.

"I have two. John is 4 and Emily is a month old,"  I said.

"I also have a kid. Her name is Lexi and she is 1," He said to me.

"At least I am not the only parent on this campus," I joked.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" He asked.

"Sure," I replied.

Later that evening, I got home and saw Ricky cooking dinner. I told him all about Lucas and I can sense how jealous he is. I love it when he is jealous.

I continued to see Lucas day after day. I love with Ricky but I feel different when I am with Lucas. Hanging out with Lucas makes me feel less like a parent and more like a teenager even though he is also a teen parent.

Lucas invited me over to dinner at his apartment. He had his candles lit and it makes me think he is hitting on me. We are sitting on the couch and he is looking into my eyes and leans over to kiss me. For a split second, I wanted to kiss him back.

I stopped him and stood up, "I am married," I said before storming out.

I decided to go take a walk. I love Ricky and I could never cheat on me so the fact that Lucas thought I would is disgusting to me and just ruined our friendship.


Adrian & Omar (Adrian's POV)

Omar and I are having lunch right now together. The past few weeks have been extremely difficult on me and my relationship with Omar.

"I know you have been struggling, Adrian," He said to me.

"I have. You travel too much and I miss you when you are away," I explained.

"I know you do. You have made that point extremely clear," He said.

"I do," I said.

"What do you want me to do, Adrian?" He asked me.

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