Chapter 14

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12 months later... Omar and Adrian's Wedding Day!

Ricky & Amy (Ricky's POV)

"Amy. Come on let's go. We are going to be late," I yelled to my wife as she comes running out of the bedroom.

"Sorry. Do you have the kids? Do you have everything?" Amy responded.

"Yes. I have everything. The ceremony is a 30 minute drive away. We need to leave now," I said rushing her. 

"Your right. The bridesmaid can't be late," Amy said leaving the house.

Adrian and Omar invited our entire family. They are allowing John to be the ring bear and Emily to be a flower girl considering we are the only friends with kids.

We arrived at the ceremony. Amy bounced out of the car and ran into the chapel. I love my wife but time is never her strong suit.

George and Kathleen are watching John and Emily so I decided to take a walk through the chapel. I was walking in the hallway and I saw a huge blown up photo of Adrian and Omar.

It got me thinking, was I supposed to marry Adrian? It's crazy to be at her wedding to another man when for about two years I thought I was going to marry her.

I wonder how different my life would be if I had married her. Would we still live in California? Would I be in John's life? Would Amy still be with Ben? It's crazy to think about but I am happy with Amy and Adrian is happy with Omar.

Later that day, it was time for the ceremony. The bridesmaid was hot of course. John and Emily looked so cute walking down the aisle. Adrian and Omar's vows were adorable and made everyone believe in love.

Next it was time for the reception. Adrian and Omar came in and did their first dance as man and wife. It made me smile. She seems so happy and after everything she has been through, she deserves to be happy.

After the wedding, Amy and I got home to our house. "I am so tired," I said to her.

"I know. But the wedding was great so it is a good sign you are tried," She replied.

"She deserves to be happy," I said.

"As long as that happiness doesn't involve being with you, I am happy," She explained.

"It doesn't," I replied.

Amy and I then fell asleep. It's been a long day.


Adrian & Omar (Adrian's POV)

"I am getting married today," I screamed at the top of my lungs when I woke up on my wedding day.

Omar and I slept different places because it is bad luck to see the groom before the wedding. After how my last marriage ended, I don't need any bad luck today.

My mom and I arrived at the chapel and she walked me to my dressing room. "Grace and Amy will be here soon. Are you sure you don't need me?" She said.

"No. I am good. Thanks for everything," I replied.

"I am happy for you baby," She responded before exiting the room.

I sat down in the chair and looked into the mirror and thought about how lucky I am to be marrying the man of my dreams. 5 minutes later Grace and Amy entered the dressing room.

"Congrats," They both said rushing over to give me a big hug.

We did our make up and our hair and put on our dresses. We took a mirror selfie and complimented each other on how gorgeous we look.

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