Chapter 3

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Amy & Ricky (Amy's POV)

"Amy, wake up!" Ricky yells "its our wedding day."

"I am up," I reply.

"I am going to Graces to get ready and she will drive me to the church" I tell him.

"Ok, I will see you then. Soon to be Mrs. Underwood" He says when he kisses me.

I arrive at Graces and Kathleen and my dad answer the door. 

"Congratulations Amy," Kathleen said as I entered the house.

"Its never too late to turn back," My dad joked.

"George let her make her own decisions. She decided to get married. Let her get married. She's 18" Kathleen said "Grace is upstairs go on up"

"Thanks," I reply.

I climb the stairs and enter Graces room where she has hair supplies and make up laid over and she is ready for me to get started on my hair and makeup.

"Are you excited?" She asked when she was doing my hair.

"Yes. I love him," I replied.

The rest of the time was silent. She put bronzer, eye shadow, lip stick, eye liner, mascara, blush, and foundation on my face. Then she curled my hair and put my veil on my head. 

"Their you go. I will give you some privacy so you can put on your dress," She said as she exited the room.

"Wow you look beautiful," She said as she entered the room and saw my dress "Ready to go to Jacks Dads church"

"Yes," I respond.

The drive with Grace, My dad, and Kathleen was super quiet. Nobody barely talked but the basic are you excited or are you scared.

We finally arrived at the chapel and the wedding marches started to play as my dad walked me down the aisle and I saw Ricky waiting ahead for me.

"Do you Richard Underwood take Amy Juergens to be your lawfully wedded wife" Jacks dad said.

"I do." Ricky replied.

"Do you Amy Juergens take Ricky Underwood to be your lawfully wedded husband" Jacks dad said.

"I do," I reply.

"Then in the power invested by me in the state of California I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride," Jacks dad said.

Ricky kissed me and it was passionate and I am lucky to be married to him.

We have a small reception at the apartment and everyone cleared out by midnight and we did our first official act as husband and wife. 

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