Chapter 16

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Amy & Ricky (Ricky's POV)

"What's for dinner?" I asked as I entered the kitchen.

"I was going to order pizza. I don't have time to cook," Amy replied.

"Sounds good to me," I said.

"Good," She replied.

"Where are the kids?" I asked.

"They are in their rooms," Amy replied.

I walked down the hallway into John's room. I didn't see him in there so I decided to check Emily's room but when I entered, Emily wasn't in their either.

"Amy," I screamed.

"What?" Amy said running to me.

"The kids aren't here," I replied.

"Where are they? I put them down an hour ago," Amy replied.

"Call 911. Did you hear anyone come in?" I asked.

"I heard some foot steps but I thought it was the tv.  I am an idiot," Amy said.

"Don't beat yourself up, Amy. We will find them. I know you would never purposely hurt the kids," I replied to her trying to comfort her.

"Yeah," She replied.

Fifteen minutes later the police arrived at our house. We called them to try and help us find the kids. They asked us a bunch of questions and sent out an amber alert. We called all our friends and families to try to get them to help us.

"Hey George," I said as I picked up the phone.

"I have a guess of what happened," George said straight to the point.

"You know where the kids are?" I asked.

"I have an idea," George replied.

"Where?" I exclaimed.

"Your dad is in prison, right," George said.

When he said that, my heart sunk. Last I checked my dad got sent back to prison for drugs for good. How can he be out?

"Yeah," I replied.

"Guess not. I just saw him getting in a car," George replied.

"With John and Emily?" I asked.

"I didn't see them but that would be my guess," George replied.

I told the police what George said. The police called the prison where my dad is supposed to be at. They gave the police word that Bob Underwood has escaped from prison. That man has our kids and who knows what he will do them. We need to find them.

Amy and I both couldn't fall asleep over night. We were awake worrying about the kids. What if Bob did something? 

The next morning we hear the door bell ring. I run to answer it and I see the cop with John and Emily. I hugged both of them and give them multiple kisses.

"Amy," I screamed.

"What?" She asked coming to the door.

"Look," I replied.

"John and Emily. I have missed you," She said hugging them.

"What happened?" I asked.

"We found them a sleep in a parked car so we hid out and we saw your dad get in the car. We followed him and arrested him and got the kids back. He is heading back to prison," The police said.

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