Chapter 18

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7 months later...


Ricky & Amy (Ricky's POV)

"Ricky," Amy exclaimed as she entered the house.

"What?" I said rushing over to her.

"Come sit," She said as she walked over to the kitchen table and took a seat.

"Ok," I said as I took a seat next to her.

"I got a job teaching at Grant High School," She came out and said.

"For real. That's incredible," I replied.

"I am so excited," She said, "I am a newly college graduate with my dream job."

"I am so happy for you," I said, "I also have some news."

"Go on," She said.

"Leo is retiring and offered me to take his place," I announced.

"Holy cow. That's what you have always wanted," She replied.

"It is," I said.

"I feel like everything is falling into place," I said.

"Me too," She replied.

Later that night I showered and got ready for bed. I exited the bedroom and walked into the nursery where I saw Amy in the rocking chair reading to John and Emily. I smiled knowing I have my dream life. Anything I could ever want.

"Hey," She said as she saw me.

"Good book," I replied.

"Daddy," John said.

"Hey John," I said as I walked over to pick him up.

Amy looked at me and smiled. In that moment, all the doubt and questioning I have done about Amy faded. She is the girl of my dreams.


Adrian & Omar (Adrian's POV)

"Good morning," I said as I entered the kitchen.

"How are you?" Omar asked.

"Fine," I said as I walked over to the cabinet to grab a coffee cup. I walked over to the pot of coffee and filled the cup. Then I took a seat at the counter.

"You look fine," Omar replied.

"Thank you," I said.

"Is everything okay? For the past eight months you have been extremely quiet," Omar said.

"Actually...," I started.

"Yeah," Omar said as he took a seat at the counter next to me.

"I want to move back to California," I blurted out.

"Why?" Omar questioned.

"All my friends are there and I want to go home," I explained.

"My career is here," Omar said.

"Of course it is. All of our relationship decisions have been centered around your career," I said.

"What does that mean?" Omar asked.

"I feel trapped and out shadowed," I blurted out.

"Sorry. I don't know what else to say," Omar replied.

"I know what to say," I said.

"What?" Omar replied.

"I want a divorce," I said as I stood up from my chair and exited the room. I love Omar but sometimes love isn't enough. I haven't been happy recently in this marriage and I think I will be happier if I move back to California and Omar and I get a divorce. I know it isn't ideal but I feel it is for the best. I have given up so much to be with Omar and he hasn't sacrificed anything. Enough is enough.

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