Chapter 12

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Amy & Ricky (Ricky's POV)

I got home from work and saw Amy sitting at the kitchen table typing on her computer. 

"Hey Amy," I said as I sat down across from her.

"Hey," She responded.

"What's going on with the kids?" I asked.

"John is in his play room and I just put Emily down," She replied.

"Ok," I said.

"I do have something I need to discuss with you," She said.

"What," I replied.

"Baby #3," She responded.

"Are you pregnant?" I asked her.

"No and I don't ever want to be pregnant again," She came out and said.

"What? Why?" I asked her.

"Ricky we are almost 21 years old with 2 kids. We barely had time to see the world. The one benefit of being a teen parent is to get your kids out of the house sooner," She explained to me.

"So what's the point of this conversation?" I asked her.

"I want you to get a vasectomy," Amy came out and told me.

"What?" I yelled.

"Be quiet. Emily is sleeping," She responded.

"Sorry," I said lowering my voice.

"Please Ricky," She begged.

"No," I responded.

Later that evening, I decided to go over to George's house to talk with him. I am upset with Amy about what she wants me to do.

"Thanks for letting me come over," I said to him as I sat down at the table.

"What's going on?" George asked.

"Amy doesn't want more kids. She asked me to get a vasectomy," I told George.

"Anne also asked me to do that after we had Ashley," George pointed out.

"I know and you lied," I replied.

"So are you going to do it?" George asked me.

"Maybe," I responded.

"If you want to get out of it, tell Amy you did it and don't do it. Like what I did," George advised.

"What if she gets pregnant? Then she will know I lied and it could hurt our marriage," I replied to George.

"Rely on a calendar for birth control or use condoms secretly," George said.

"No. I think I am going to do it. I love Amy more than anything and want to do whatever makes her happy," I said.

"Then you have your answer," George replied.

Later that evening, I got home from George's house. After my conversation with George, I have more clarity of what I need to do.

"I am glad you are home," Amy said as I entered our bedroom.

"Sorry, I ran out. I was a bit pissed," I said honestly.

"I know and if you really feel strongly about not doing it," Amy responded.

"I love you Amy. When I married you I vowed to do whatever it took to make you happy. If this will make you happy then I want to do it," I explained to her.

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