Chapter 12: "She belongs to me. To me."

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I woke up the next morning, my mind filled with thoughts of the silver haired man. The constant dreams I was having of him were starting to scare me. Why was this happening? Who was he? I don't ever remember meeting anyone who looked like him. He was undoubtedly the most handsome man I had ever seen in my life. The experiences I had with him were unlike anything I had ever had in my life. They almost reminded me of the things I had read about the incubus. My mind filled with horror before I laughed at myself. What was I thinking? Too much time with Jungkook had me thinking those mythical beings might be real. Ha!

As I dressed for my classes, my mind went back to Jackson and the time I had spent with him in his car. I finished getting ready, a smile on my face. I grabbed my phone, keys, and bag and headed out the door. Since the forecast was calling for rain, I decided to take my car instead of walking. Normally I liked walking the short distance, but I didn't want to walk in the rain.

I pulled into the parking lot of the college and exited my car. I could see Jackson standing at the entrance. He was wearing a black hoodie and his soft hair was being rustled by the slight wind. He was looking down at his phone with a smile. My phone dinged with a text notification.


Good morning sweetheart

7:58 AM


Good morning

Black sure is a good color on you

7:59 AM

I watched Jackson read the text then look around in confusion. He smiled when he spotted me exiting my car and jogged over to me, picking me up off my feet in a hug. "You're so silly," he said, his voice bright with happiness.

I returned the hug then gave him a quick kiss on his soft lips. "Good morning," I said, giving him a smile.

Jackson released me then grabbed my bag, slinging it over his shoulder. "I... um... I really had a good time," he said, his cheeks turning pink.

I smiled at his cute behavior. "I did too," I replied. "Thanks so much for taking me yesterday."

Jackson reached for my hand, intertwining our fingers. We headed towards the college entrance, making small talk. Jackson was explaining about the security breach at the company. It wasn't like anything anyone had ever seen before and they were lost about what to do. "It's going to keep me busy the next several evenings," Jackson said, a pout on his pretty lips.

I stopped just out of sight of the rest of the students and Jackson turned to me. I reached up and touched his cheek. "It's okay. I understand," I replied, running my hand over his smooth skin.

"It's going to suck since I wont get to spend too much time with you," Jackson replied, covering my hand with his own. "I promise I'll make it up to you when this is all figured out."

I smiled at his words. "No worries," I said, standing on my toes and pressing my lips to his.

Jackson wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer and deepening the kiss. He let out a groan when I tangled my fingers in his hair. I moaned softly when he slipped his tongue in my mouth.

After a moment, I pulled away from him, not wanting to end the kiss but knowing I had classes to get to. I pecked his lips one more time. "I got to get to class," I said.

Jackson hugged me tightly. "Okay sweetheart. I'll text you tonight when I can," he said.

I gave him a wave and headed toward the building where my classes were being held. I was lost in thought when I heard a familiar voice say my name. I turned and noticed Jungkook leaning against the building. I smiled and made my way over to him. "Hi Jungkook," I said. "How are you?"

"I'm good. How about yourself?" he asked.

I gave him a bright smile. "I'm great actually," I replied.

Jungkook returned the smile hesitantly. "That's good. Um... I was wondering if maybe you wanted to get dinner with me tonight," he said, rubbing the back of his neck.

I hesitated, but then nodded my head. "Sure. I'd like that," I said.

"Your boyfriend won't mind?" Jungkook asked.

I shook my head. "No. It's not like this is a date. Jackson trusts me," I replied.

Jungkook handed me his phone. "Here. Give me your number and I'll text you," he said. "We can figure out a time and place to go."

I input my number into his phone and sent myself a text so I had his number too. I opened my phone and saved his contact information. "I've got to go or I'm going to be late," I said. "I'll see you later."

Jungkook gave me a nod and a wave. "Sounds good," he replied as I turned and headed into the building.

Jimin POV:

I paced back and forth in the living room of the house I shared with my brothers after leaving the university grounds. I had to get away from that place before I did something I would end up regretting in the long wrong.

I had watched the girl kiss that bastard again and it took everything I had to walk away from them. Why was he insistent on putting his hands on my soulmate? I still didn't understand the anger I was feeling towards the situation.

When I appeared in her room last night, I was consumed with anger. She had been touching herself to thoughts of him. She was moaning his name. The realization made me furious. She should only be calling my name out. My hands are the only ones that should be on her body. My mouth is the only one that should feel her lips. I should be the only one thrusting into her and filling her body with my own. Just the thought of hot wetness clenching around me made my pants tighten. Knowing that I wouldn't find relief without her made me even angrier.

After she had left that guy, I had pulled the hat further down over my hair and followed her at a distance as she made her way towards the brick building. A dark haired man I recognized as well as my own reflection had stopped her. She smiled as she talked to him and I filled up with anger once again. Why was he stopping her? Why was he talking to her? I didn't understand.

I was still pacing when he appeared in the room. His eyes widened in shock at the look of rage on my face, rage that was directed at him. Before he could move, I had him by the collar and slammed up against the wall.

"What are you playing at Jungkook?" I demanded, my voice quiet. "Why were you with her?"

Jungkook tried to loosen the grip I had on his shirt, but his hands were useless against the strength of my anger. "Calm down," he said. "I swear I wasn't doing anything with her."

"Then why were you with her?" I asked again. "WHY?"

Jungkook looked at me, fear in his eyes. He had never seen this side of me directed at him before. "I was just talking to her. She's a nice girl. You don't want her, so I like spending time with her," he explained.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Jin behind me. "Let him go, Jimin," Jin said, his voice soft but filled with authority.

I clenched my fist tighter in Jungkook's collar cutting off his air supply before releasing him, dropping him to the floor. Jungkook scooted back, grabbing his throat.

"What the hell happened?" Jin asked, crouching down to check on Jungkook before turning to me.

"Ask him. Ask him why he was talking to my soulmate," I said, my teeth clenched.

Jin turned to Jungkook who shrugged. "Y/N's a nice girl. I feel bad for all the things that are happening to her. I... I just like spending time with her," he said, the last words coming out in a whisper.

"She's not yours to spend time with," I shouted, finally releasing the anger that had built up.

"You don't want her so why can't I?" Jungkook asked, his courage back now that Jin was here in the middle of us.

"Because she's MINE!" I yelled. "She's mine. You can't have her." I disappeared from the room, reappearing in my bedroom. I didn't know what was happening to mine. Why should it matter if she spent time with Jungkook? He was right. I didn't want her, but I didn't want anyone else to have her either. She belongs to me. To me.

No More Dream: Book 1 of the Mythical Beings Soulmate Series (Jimin X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now