dating luke would include

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o. A headcannon for what it'd be like to date Luke Patterson.

warnings: none

● ok let's be real.

● Luke's love language is definitely touch.

● I mean..

● he would always have to be touching you in some way.

● and because of this.

● I feel like he'd be a big fan of pda.

● He'd always want to hold your hand, have his arm over your shoulder or just kiss you whenever he got the chance.

● If you were dating in 1995, then you'd most definitely give him a place to stay after he ran out on his parents.

● Being best friends with Alex and Reggie, obviously.

● You're definitely his muse and inspiration for all his songs.

● Again, you'd be Sunset Curve's number one fan.

● ngl I feel like Bobby would atleast have a crush on you for a bit.

● you would probably die with the boys, and come back as ghosts together.

● Luke would probably be the big spoon most of the time. but would switch, if he needed the comfort from you instead.

● Honestly, I feel like Luke doesn't like people wearing his own clothes at first.

● But if he saw you in either his beanie, or flannel.

● Then boy, he'd let you wear them more often.

● He loves seeing you in them, especially when they're baggy and too big on you.

● You help him write a lot of his songs.

● You're definitely the one to perform the Perfect Harmony dance with him in 2020.

● You LOVE his arms. like have you seen those muscles?!!

I mean who wouldn't love them though?

● like Reggie said in the show: you guys ooze chemistry

● Luke being protective of you.

● He probably gets jealous easily, but you'd reassure you love him only.

● Luke said 'i love you' first.

●  Luke would also give great cuddles.

● cute dates just anywhere.

● Learning how to play the guitar from Luke.

● basically being head over heels in love with eachother.

● playful flirting, cause I can totally see that between you and Luke. ngl.

● Again, like Reggie. please do not EVER cheat on him or break his heart.

● You'd probably get a group of angry ghosts coming after you then (Reggie and Alex). Maybe even Julie, as well.

● cute nicknames for you both.

● getting teased by Reggie, Alex and Julie.

● And just overall being supportive of each other.


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